Napoleonic Newsdesk

1995 Conferences

by Paul Chamberlain

Napoleonic Association Autumn Conference

Saturday 7 October 1995

This will take place in the Lecture Theatre of the National Army Museum, Royal Hospital Road, London, beginning at 11.00am. Admission to the museum and conference is free. Indeed, if you are not a member of the Association, and would like to find out more about all our activities, please come along. Members of the Napoleonic Association committee will be in attendance and are only to happy to answer your questions and alleviate you of the membership fee!

The lecture topics will be:

Wellington's MI6? - Intelligence Operations in the Campaign of 1809

    Mark Romans of Southampton University will examine the administration of intelligence in the Peninsula; looking at the relationship between the Adjutant General and Quartermaster General's departments; and the interpretation of such intelligence. Intelligence gathering will be explored, by identifying individual exploring officers; their modes of operation and drawing some anecdotal conclusions as to their effect on the Allied war effort. Two external factors will be addressed; first, the contribution of Spanish regular and irregular forces to the pool of knowledge tapped by the Anglo-Portugese command; second, French counterintelligence activity will be examined, together with a brief view of the effectiveness of the enemy exploring officers.

The Battle of Leipzig

    Without doubt this was the biggest and single most important battle of the period, and was the first modern battle with national conscripted armies of many different nations allied into Armies and Army Groups clashing in heavy fighting at the strategic and operational level. Undoubtedly His Imperial Majesty's greatest defeat, this battle saw fighting of an intensity not seen again until 1914, and decided the fate of the Emperor, France and Europe. The presentation will be given by staunch Bonapartist Tim Hicks, who has recently returned from an on site battlefield study. The presentation will cover the background to the 1813 Campaign including the phases of the action, the retreat and aftermath.

Napoleon's Light Division - The Uniforms, Organisation and Tactics of the Wurttemburg Light Troops in 1809

    The Wurttemburg Light Brigade was an outstanding, but little known formation, that operated alongside Napoleon's troops from 1806 to 1813. Their greatest feats were during the 1809 Danube campaign where, together with their supporting light cavalry and horse artillery, they fought with distinction at the Battles of Abensberg, Eggmuhl and Urfahr-Linz. David Wright's account will detail the structure and appearance of the units and will show how a combination of elan, excellent leadership and sound tactics led to performances that rivalled any of those of their British counterparts.

For further details telephone 01582 616674.

Conferences 1996

I am in the process of planning the two meetings for next year. I would like to change the format slightly for the Spring meeting and have two main Speakers instead of the three we usually have. The remaining one hour session I wish to fill with four short presentations. If you have some interesting research you would like to impart to others; show a particularly interesting item from your collection of uniforms or weapons; give a report on a Napoleonic-orientated holiday you went on; then this slot will give you the opportunity.

You do not have to be an expert speaker. The only stipulation I make is that the presentation should be illustrated in some way, either with a few slides or an item of uniform or equipment. It does not have to be a full fifteen minutes in length; five or ten minutes would be acceptable. If you feel that you could present something of interest, please contact me on the above telephone number and we can discuss the matter.

Honourable East India Company Study Group

Although Britain had the largest navy in the world during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars it had an army that was one of the smallest, which was constantly over stretched trying to meet all the commitments demanded of it by the Government. One method used in some parts of the world to help alleviate this constant manpower shortage problem was to raise and recruit regiments locally, the largest such force of which in British service being the armies of the Honourable East India Company.

This force was both unique and unusual in that first it was not actually under the immediate control of Horse Guards but was paid for and controlled by the Board of the East India Company; and second, that it in fact consisted of three armies, one for each of the Presidencies of Bengal, Madras and Bombay, and a navy, the Bombay Marine. It saw much service during this period not only on the Indian subcontinent but also in Egypt, South Africa, Ceylon, South-East Asia and Nepal; sometimes in concert with British regiments and sometimes with only its own forces.

The aim of this Study Group is to carry out research into all aspects of the HEIC from 1791 to 1816, with special emphasis on its armies and navy, and the campaigns and battles in which they were involved.

If you would like more information please contact Peter Williams, 31 Pembroke Road, Basingstoke, Hants, RG23 8QH.

First Empire Show

To, begin let me confirm that the First Empire Show is definitely Sunday 20th August 1995! Thanks to everybody that phoned to check seeing as how we failed to publish the date in last issue's advert. And now some other announcements from around the world.

Pacificon '95

Northern California's largest and oldest Board gaming and Miniatures Gaming Convention
September 1st-4th
Dunfey Hotel San Mateo CA
Doors open Friday 5pm, Saturday-Monday 8am
For information contact Pacificon 10519 Silverwood WV Rancho Cordova CA 95670

Napoleonic Wargaming Weekend - Germany

I have been asked to mention the Napoleonic Wargaming Weekend titled 1816 - "Vive l'Empereur". The Team fuer Historische Simulationen (THS) will stage a large What-If wargame. This will featuring more than 5000 25mm figures and command-structures involving 45 participants using Newbury Fast Play rules. The game will last 2½ days and will be held in Hattingen (near Essen / Germany) from the 19th. to 21st. January 1996. The price including accommodation and all meals is 140DM per person for the whole weekend. English is spoken, although some knowledge of the German language would be of help. Further details are available through Team fuer Historische Simulationen, c/o Karl-Heinz Kieckers, Hackberger Str.2, D-40699 Erkrath (Germany).

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