Life in Wellington's Army

Book Review

Title: Life in Wellington's Army
Author: Antony Brett-James
Publisher: Tom Donovan Publishing Ltd. 52 Willow Road, Hampstead, London NW3 1TP.
ISBN: 1-871085-26-8.
Price £ 9.95

This edition recently published late in 1994, acknowledges the long deceased authors copyright of 1972, since when this excellent background book has not been available. There are no tales of pitched battles to be found within the 358 pages, as this work provides invaluable information on the 99% of life in the Peninsular Army that didn't involve certain death and destruction and as such is indispensable to those interested in campaigning life. Aspects covered include marching, the acquisition of billets, engineering and outpost / picquet duty, tales of fraternisation, army wives, all matters relating to the acquisition of provisions, games of chance, hunting, dancing and religion.

In fact I concur with the following taken from the jacket cover "Life in Wellington's Army is an unparalleled work that should find a place on every Napoleonic bookshelf', the only real criticism is that the quality of reproduction of the photographic illustrations varies from poor to abysmal.

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