The Early Colours of the
Regiment of Foot
Numbered the 4th

Colonel William Barrell, 1734-c1747/9

by Stephen Ede-Barrett

William Barrell was commissioned to the regimental colonelcy on 8th August 1734 and shortly afterwards presented his new regiment with new colours.

    a. Colonel's or 1st Colour Blue field with gold crown and sceptres, crown lined red and trimmed ermine.

    b. Lt. Colonel's or 2nd Colour. Union with gold crown, lion and sceptres, crown lined red and trimmed ermine.

The absence of a small Union in the upper canton of the ist colour is unusual - the I)nion addition to the 1st colour became commonplact after 1707. [11] It is possible that this design, even if not this colour, predates the adoption of this practice.

The blue field follows the change to blue facings by the regiment sometime between 171? and 1734.

The sleeves on both of these colours are crimson an oddity that was to remain for at least another century and a hall.

Extant colours preserved in the Scottish United Services Museum in Edinburgh.

More Early Colours of the Regiment of Foot Numbered the 4th

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