The Early Colours of the
Regiment of Foot
Numbered the 4th

The First Colours 1680-1686

by Stephen Ede-Barrett

Sadly, to date, I have not discovered any details of the presentation of this first stand. It may have been by the first colonel, certainly it was before the regiment sailed for Tangier in November/December 1680.

Yellow field with overall red cross fimbricated white and golden flames. Royal cypher and crown in gold at the centre of the cross.

Probably the system of differencing between companies was identical to that used on the second stand see below.

The "flames" on these colours are also to be found on the colours of the Queen Majesty's (Queen Dowager's after 1685) and the Admiral's Regiment. [3]

These colours are shown in Dirck Stoop's painting of a review of the Tangier Garrison in 1683 [4] where the shade of yellow veers towards golden orange. This would seem logical to highlight the golden flames.

This is the stand under which the regiment's detachment fought at Sedgemoor in July 1685.

SOURCE General and Compleat List Military, Nathan Brooks, London 1684. New Colours for the Queen Consorts 1686-9

More Early Colours of the Regiment of Foot Numbered the 4th

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