Black Ops!
Yesterday we had our first Black Ops (Osprey) game.
The scenario we tested was played on a Terminal game board. The mission was a stealth “Assassination” of a key russian General arriving in Helicopter in Tchechenia, escorted by Russian special forces (Special Forces).
The attackers were Tchechen troops (Fanatics). The General an escort had to cross the table and exit on the other side.

Hell breaks loose when russian special forces start to locate enemies. Tchechens attack one at a time and are easy prey of the well aimed shots of the russians.
The game ended very soon, with seven tchechens on the ground and a single russian casualty. The special forces remained grouped in fire teams, while the Tchechens attacked one at a time. The fire exchange was in favour of the special forces both in accuracy and number.
The terrain assignments had probably to be such that all obstacles on the roads should have cut the line of sight, while I just gave cover. The firefight happened in this case at long range, but being aimed had in any case a good accuracy from the special forces side.
It was great fun even if we were not able to adapt guard, noise and blind rules to this specific scenario, as suggested in the rules. We just played it as an encounter. Maybe some fellow gamers may help us on this, by having played or read the following mission:
- Stealth, Assassination, Terminal, starting position of the target at the “Plane”.