Tagged: Tabletop Simulator


Raid on St. Michel: The battle

All is ready for the third scenario of the campaign. This is the battle for St. Michel! Francesco ti aspettiamo per continuare la battaglia. Turn 3 Initial deployment


Raid on St Michel: Rearguard

Second battle of the Raid Of St Michel Campaign by Charles Grant. This is a regard action where the whole VSF army is passing a defile, where very few Lorraine units are defending. Francesco...


Raid on St Michel: river crossing

We have started playing the Tabletop teaser small campaign from C. Grant. Francesco, Marco and I will go through the five linked battles, using Tabletop Simulator and Honours of Battle as the tactical rules....


Honours of War: Kutsdorf (virtual)

Second battle played with Francesco and Marco. It is the second scenario appearing on the Osprey book ruleset. The two armies are from the Marquisat of Frankeski and from the Duchy of Grosse-Horne. All...


Honours of War: St Ulrich (virtual)

Marco, Francesco and I have started playing a game using Honours of War. We have decided to start with the first scenario appearing in the rulebook. All units and commanders are average, they all...


Tannenberg 1914: Thurau

Francesco, Marco and I just started an excellent BBB scenario about the WWI battle of Tannenberg. We have just started, with the Russians entering in column on the two roads on the Southern table...


Strehla 1760

Our next Twilight Game will be a Seven Years War scenario prepared by the author Nick Dorrell. We will be playing using Tabletop Simulator, since players are separated by the Alps. We are using...


Fraustadt 1706

Time goes backward on this page. Later moves are on top of the page. A description of the game is on the very bottom. Move 6 Battle end with a complete defeat of the...


Battaglie con tabletop simulator

Hop imparato a creare oggetti semplici per Tabletop Simulator (basta creare dei Custom Token partendo da un png). Ecco di sotto il campo di battaglia di Leva, il prossimo gioco che faremo! Si puo’...


Gravelotte BBB

francesco, Marco ed io abbiamo fatto la prima mossa di Gravelotte BBB. Una divisione prussiana e’ stata distrutta dal fuoco Francese, vediamo..