Tagged: BBB


BBB Vimeiro

Today I had a great game with Robert. We have played the Battle of Vimerio using the BBB rules frommChris Pringle. The figures we used were superbly pained by Robert, 6mm from Baccus. Overall...


BBB Albuera

Today Robert and I played a nice BBB scenario on the battle of Albuera. We chose to play the full-size scenario available on the Group site. The French decided to attack from the south,...


BBB 2mm villages

Just started to prepare 12 villages to play BBB. They are mounted on round bases, in contrast with towns, which are mounted on square bases. The models I am using are from the great...


Second Manassas BBB

On the 6th we played the ACW scenario of 2nd Manassas, the one which may be found on the BBB GroupIO page. I have so far played with a labelling script, which has produced...


Vitoria 1813

A very enjoyable game organised by Maurizio, with Marco playing the Perfida Albione and me as French. The game scenario was built by Maurizio, fully based on the original battle (The battle plan shown...


Chancellorsville BBB

First some photos of the figures used, 3mm ACW from Peter Pig and Osmy Oddzial. A Bloody Big Battle! We are playing the Chancellorsville scenario by Chris Pringle. I spent some time preparing the...


Tannenberg 1914: Thurau

Francesco, Marco and I just started an excellent BBB scenario about the WWI battle of Tannenberg. We have just started, with the Russians entering in column on the two roads on the Southern table...


Battle of Spion Kop

A BBB game scenario based on the battle of Spion Kop. The game is being played by Francesco, Marco and me. We have played the first two moves. British troops have managed to reach...


Spicheren 1870

Francesco, Marco and I have just started an excellent scenario prepared by BBB enthusiasts to be played with Tabletop simulator. We have just started and played turn 1. Here below is the situation. general...


BBB Gravelotte

Questa volta giochiamo una grande battaglia della guerra Franco-Prussiana. Marco e’ fransciese, mentre Francesco ed io siamo Pruzziani, ja! Siamo arrivati al sesto turno di gioco, su dieci totali. I prussiani stanno attaccando la...