Honours of War-game
First game with my Seven Year War miniatures. I have enough to play the introductory game of the Osprey Honours of War wargame rules, from Keith Flint. A prussian advance column is ordered to...
First game with my Seven Year War miniatures. I have enough to play the introductory game of the Osprey Honours of War wargame rules, from Keith Flint. A prussian advance column is ordered to...
The built-up areas prepared for the Vimeiro game have been drawn by the great artist Peter Dennis, which has a whole line of paper soldiers and scenics (Paperboys) that may be bought at very...
Francesco, Marco ed io abbiamo fatto una bella battaglia con il Duca di Marlborough sul campo di battaglia! Ecco qualche foto. Abbiamo usato il regolamento Twilight of The Sun King, che ha funzionato a...
Salerno, 1943. I paracadutisti americani hanno catturato un ponte che potrebbe bloccare l’arrivo di rinforzi tedeschi. Un plotone di panzergrenadier cerca di catturarlo. Scenario Bolt Action, pezzi dipinti da Matteo e me. Il gioco...
An artillery bombardment starts the battle of the Bormida bridge. The artillery causes some disorder to the Brigade Victor, defending the bridge. The Piedmontese troops under Brempt watch the bombardment, grenadiers fix bayonets and...
This is the account of the first battle in our Dego 1796 BBB campaign. During the first two days Napoleon has ordered his troops to rush to Voltri and attack the austrians. The austrians...
Dal libro di Peter Hopkirk, “Setting The East Ablaze” p.17 … In the towns and villages of the ancient Silk Road, Bol sheviks and White counter–revolutionaries fought it out in a civil war thatengulfed...
The game http://duxrampant.yuku.com/topic/108/Dux-Bellorum-Skirmishers#.WR8L5OuGMmI Aftermath The saxon king comments after the battle:“Too bad for me that I read the classics on ancient tactics. In fact I cannot read and I am only able to count 1,2,3...