Tagged: 28mm


Raid on St Michel: river crossing

We have started playing the Tabletop teaser small campaign from C. Grant. Francesco, Marco and I will go through the five linked battles, using Tabletop Simulator and Honours of Battle as the tactical rules....


Febbraio 2023

Inizio il mese con la costruzione di case di carta. Quattro fatte finora, sono qui. Ho completato anche una chiesa di Peter Dennis. Tutte le basi sono fatte di quadrati 10.5×10.5 cm2 o multipli....


Honours of War Campaign Rules

I wish to handle the potential change of unit morale and size, after a lost or a won Battle. This will allow to play all the Tabletop Teaser short campaigns from C. Grant, using...


German Imagine-nation village

Just started mounting my paper model houses, bought from a german railway models firm. Here are the first ones, enough to have two built-up-areas on the table. Another twelve to go. I found and...


Austrian Battalion Guns

Painting battalion gus for my Seven Years War Project. Ten bases are now done, also battalion guns, all from Crusader. Details of the pieces here. Artillerymen uniforms colour can be seen on the drawing...


Pensiero rivoluzionario

Prima o poi inizierò’ il progetto delle Guerre Rivoluzionarie francesi. Ecco delle belle foto ispiratrici per preparare dei battaglioni Francesi della Levee En masse. I pezzi sono quelli presi da Emperor Toad’s Emporium e...


Kreis Franconian Infantry Regiment Varell

Ecco il reggimento finito, della Franconia. Quello Svevo aveva gli stessi colori di un reggimento austriaco che ho gia’ dipinto. Devo usare i pezzi prussiani, il vestito era di “prussian cut”. Devo ricordare di...


Vauban begun

Here Ian Weekley’s Vauban fortress taking shape and colours. I need write down the colours here: Painted so far:


Threat to the flank. The battle

Yesterday night we had a great game with Mauro and Luca. We played this old scenario from C. Grant, as described here. Just added a bastion to show that the attacking prussians are trying...

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