Category: Battles


Afghanistan 1878

The Battle It is 1878, the british troops are advancing along the Kandahar valley, defeating the regular troops along the way. The battle is fought to conquer a fort occupied by Regular Afghan troops,...


Attacco alla Morte Nera

Scontro tra caccia stellari, regolamento Bag The Jedi di TFL. Modelli Wizard di Paolo e Diego. Un documento sul combattimento tra caccia stellari. Situazione Attacco alla Morte Nera. Il canale corre lungo il lato...


Ad Salices

Battaglia tardo antica tra romani e Goti. Pezzi in 15mm e regolamento Comitatus. I goti devono sconfiggere i romani in sei mosse, altrettanto devono fare i romani, altrimenti la battaglia e’ indecisa. I romani...


Agnadello 1509

Battle Report Battle preparation. Table scale is exactly 1/300. Big struggle to decide whether buildings and terrain should be in 1/300 or 15mm, as the figures.Game is played using Pike and Shotte, organization at...


Bag the Nippon

First game using Bag the Hun 2 rules. After playing several first world war air games, we have decided to move to WW2. We have decided to test the game using 1/300 miniatures from...


Ethiopia 1890

Triumph and Tragedy scenario, 28mm figures by Luca, from Strategia Nova. The Bertelli first aid column has to reach an italian outpost, held by Captain Zaccardini. Zaccardini is renown for being able to keep...


Hunnic trap in the sky

Second ALGY WWI air game using planes painted by Vittorio. The scenario is a hunt for the german reconnaissance aircraft. The Hunnic host (I was playing the British… 🙂 ). The Braves in the...


Maurizio gioca Maurice

Regolamento di Sam Mustafa. Eserciti da 100 punti. Tutte e due gli eserciti hanno 4 unita’ di cavalleria, circa 9 di fanteria, tre cannoni, con una o due unita’ di coscritti. Le carte scelte...

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