Category: Battles


Chain of Command in the Pacific

First Chain of Command game from Too Fat Lardies, hosting a platoon of Japanese against US Marines. We use a standard 120 X 180 cm2 table. Terrain is divided into six 60 cm side...


Chainmail assault

I played this game with my 12 year old son. It is a castle assault scenario, where besiegers have made a breach and broken the gate. The game has been played using the old...


Assedio di Agliana 1276

La battaglia del famoso assedio di Agliana, fortezza fiorentina che controllava il commercio tessile con la Cina sin dall’alto medioevo. L’esercito fiorentino arriva sotto le mura della fortezza per ingaggiare le truppe imperiali in...


Skirmish at Ansion

Scenario di Guerre Stellari, ambientato all’epoca della Grande Ribellione. Regolamento 5150 della Two Hours Wargames. Scenario Siamo sul pianeta Ansion, un pianeta verde molto rigoglioso. In una fattoria si e’ raccolto un nucleo di...


Burning down the house

Darkest Africa scenario, 28mm figures from the collection of Stefano. Deliberate attack on a zanzibari merchant (slaver?) from the local natives. Terrain is mostly jungle, with two open patches where the big merchant house...



Game played using Civitates Bellantes rules, 1/300 figures from Francesco. Map Width of the plain should be about 3km. Ground scale is about 1/1600 for 6mm based at 25mm per Javelin Throw (of 40m),...


Salve Crucesignato

Hail Caesar game for Ayyubid Egyptians fighting Crusaders. Desert battle, with few (three) broken ground elements and (three) low hills. Table size is 180X540 cm2. Armies Scenario Both sides have camp on table. Who...


Crusaders’ Pig’s War

Pig Wars game, rules by Tod Kerschner. Game refereed by Maurizio. Donkeys full of gold have to reach the crusader fortress. Arabs want it! Four groups of warriors on each side. Crusaders have one...


Deep thrust on german soil

Scenario about an american heavy bomber formation, escorted by P47 fighters, attacking German mainland. It’s early 1944. Five players, Vittorio refereeing. Rules basic have been found on the internet, we have heavily modified them,...