Author: parallels


Italia 1799

Link alla Wikipedia. Ordini di battaglia di Nafziger, mancano i dettagli delle artiglierie:


Ironclads in Action

This ruleset has been written by Alan Goodearl (Central London wargamers) Author notes on ship rosters building If yours is the ironclad boardgame I am thinking of – it was called just“Ironclads” and produced...


Formazioni di brigata napoleoniche

Questa ricerca nasce dopo aver rispolverato i regolamenti VLB, e i pezzi in 2mm. Ecco una lista delle basi disponibili dalla Irregular. 2mm element descriptions.pdf Qualche documento e figure sulle formazioni di brigata dell’epoca....

Battle of Lonato, Part Two 0

Battle of Lonato, Part Two

Let us start now to assign orders to units. We assume here that orders are given in the middle of the night. Couriers rush to units bivouacking, so that all units will be ready...


VLB with modern Babbage machine test battle

Yesterday night some courageous friends and I tested a mechanized version of the Variable Length Bound game model. Playtesters were Alessandro, Marco, Maurizio, Pino. many thanks. The game scenario was a stand of a...

VLB test battle 2 0

VLB test battle 2

Yesterday night we had a second test of the Napoleonic VLB using a computer program handling the chain of events produced by orders, melees and others. I have introduced the modifications proper in the...



Modifications proposed Dear all, here I will post a list of bug solved and modification proposals coming from play testers for next version. What I would like to introduce is the following: Introduce Changes...