Author: parallels


Battle of Lonato, Part Three

Let us restart our game by launching the command vlbgui, load Lonato.xml and look at our command chain. We are now able to check whether Brigade Pigeon has new orders. If we click on...


Variable Length Bound wargaming

News I have started preparing for the third test battle, a small campaign.The armies are taken from the very good Castiglione 1796 book from Voykovitsch.I will use the sam program to make initial campaign...


Flotta ACW di Leonardo

1/1200 ships from Navwar USS Unarmoured Wheeled General Price X 3 Mississipi X 1 Miami X 1 Tyler X 1 Unarmoured Chippella X 1 Artford X 1 Reliance X 4 Armoured Cairo X 1...


Space 1889, i colonialisti

Guerra su Marte (uomo sandwich)!Gli ufficiali di Sua Maesta’ stanno arrivando (due ufficiali dell’esercito, comandante di marina, due indiani) !Anche i civili sono in viaggio (l’investigatore, una avventuriera, una signorina dell’alta societa’, un attaccabrighe,...


VLB First Remote Battle

For instructions on how to remotely play this battle, follow this link. Battle of Lonato, Part One Let us assume you managed to login and you started the program. We need to load the...

Remote VLB GUI 0

Remote VLB GUI

Dear playtesters, let us try to run the program without a local install. Windows will have to fly across the ocean, they will be slow, but it is a lot easier for me to...


Battle of Lonato, Part Four

Unlimber the battery, enemy is close! Click on Verbal Orders Button. Unlimbering taks 5 minutes, let us advance in time, click on Events and then on Sync to Next event Buttons. Now let us...


Italia 1799

Link alla Wikipedia. Ordini di battaglia di Nafziger, mancano i dettagli delle artiglierie:


Ironclads in Action

This ruleset has been written by Alan Goodearl (Central London wargamers) Author notes on ship rosters building If yours is the ironclad boardgame I am thinking of – it was called just“Ironclads” and produced...


Formazioni di brigata napoleoniche

Questa ricerca nasce dopo aver rispolverato i regolamenti VLB, e i pezzi in 2mm. Ecco una lista delle basi disponibili dalla Irregular. 2mm element descriptions.pdf Qualche documento e figure sulle formazioni di brigata dell’epoca....

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