Author: parallels


Modern Canadian

Canadian Armed Forces – Land Force A ghost of the army that captured Vimy Ridge in WW1 and beat the 1 SS Panzer Corps in Normandy, the Land Force consists of 3 Regular Army...


Modern South African

South African Defense Force South African Defense Force Infantry Brigade Headquarters HQ 1 HQ South African Defense Force Mechanized Brigade Headquarters HQ 1 HQ South African Defense Force Tank Regiment HQ 1 HQ 3...

Modern South Korean 0

Modern South Korean

South Korean Army Another army which is primarily an infantry army, in the late 1980’s and on into the 1990’s it has had the economic backing of one of the fastest growing economies in...


Modern North Korean

North Korean People’s Army 1960 to 1997 As the last Stalinist state, North Korea has lost its sponsors, and may well have little functioning equipment left. Well into the 1980’s their commandos raided into...


Modern Pakistani

Pakistan 1950+ The main foil for India on the sub-continent, this army follows the British model but is more involved in the internal politics of Pakistan and the international politics of Islam. A tough...

Modern African 0

Modern African

African OpFor This Orbat is designed to simulate the Soviet and Cuban client states of Africa. This is modeled on the Angolan Army. If you are using the Somalis add a sprinkling of US...


I generali

Aggiungete i vostri dati nei commenti, penso io a metterli nella tabella.Per mandare un email fate click sulla colonna email: Ecco i dettagli: Nome telefono email Stefano Maurizio   Valerio   Riccardo   Leonardo...



Link generalisti sul wargame The Miniatures page. Varie Tutti gli ordini di battaglia della collezione Nafziger. Mappe. Colorazioni aerei. Bandiere (qui ho trovato quelle rivoluzionarie francesi!), russe e stati satelliti. Sito sull’esercito della russia...


Esploratori, Darkest Africa

Esploratore europeo, moglie, amico giocatore di cricket e guardia del corpo. 10 askari armati di fucili moderni. altri quattro-cinque esploratori armati di fucile.


Bodenburg’s Castle Siege

After having read a few pages of “Playing at the world”, by Jon Peterson, I have updated this old post where we have played this very old, better ancient ruleset designed for Elastolin figures...

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