Author: parallels


1980-88 Iran-Iraq War

Iraqi T62M Iranian BM21 Iranian Cobra Iranian HueyIranian Chinook Iraqi tanks Iraqi tank, T62 ? Iraqi tank, T55? Iranian ZSU23 ShilkaIranian M151 jeep with recoliess Iranian BTR50PKIranian M109A1Iranian Type 653 ARV Iranian AT3 SaggerT72...


Gulf War US

Esercito dell guerra del golfo. Finora ho fatto: 1 battaglione M1A1 (-) 1 battaglione meccanizzato su Bradley (-) 1 battaglione LAV dei Marines (-) 1 battaglione artiglieria su 4 M109A6 Paladin (-) 3 plotoni...


Gulf War Arab

Queste unita’ hanno combattuto la battaglia di al Khafji. GWC Task Force Abu Bakr Morale: All Regular Task Force Headquarters: 1-HQ Stand in V150 APC 1-Qatari Reinforced Mechanized Brigade/Group: Brigade/Group Headquarters: 1-HQ Stand in...


trad. dal russo, O Roma o Orte

или Рим или Орет La terza guerra mondiale si trascina da tre settimane. Le forze sovietiche sono state fermate sul confine franco-tedesco. Sul fronte sud, l’Italia e’ occupata in forze fino a Firenze. Pisa...


Guerra in Ossezia del sud

The August War between Russia and Georgia Mikhail Barabanov Initially, Georgia’s attack on the capital of the self-proclaimed Republic of South Ossetia on August 8, 2008, seemed like it would lead to yet another...

Airwar over Germany

A ruleset we have found on the internet and which we have heavily modified. We are preparing a set of miniatures to play the dogfights over germany, between american bombers and escorts and the...


Lorioly’s flight over Germany

Game played using our World war Two Air Combat rules, 1/600 model planes from the collection of Vittorio. A B17 box is flying over Germany to deliver its bumbled over a weapon factory. An...



Short Zulu game based on Battles For Empire II rules. Scenario taken from an old Wargames Illustrated from the author of this ruleset.


Modern Russian

Mimetizzazione Non c’e’ un solo standard, dipende dalla regione o piu’ probabilmente e’ quasi casuale. Si possono mescolare le diverse mimetizzazioni anche nella stessa unita’.Oltre alle quattro proposte, ho visto anche veicoli con la...

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