Author: parallels


Peter Gilder Hinchliffe

The figures I am currently painting for the 30YW project are from the Hinchliffe ECW range, some you may find below, but they fit perfectly for any Thirty Years War army. I found this...


Against the Ottomans, Reference books

This would be a rather broad subject. I will concentrate on Italian states (Venice) and the Austrian empire Books I own in paper L’esercito Veneziano del ‘700 (Filippi) Books I would like to read...


Site is secure now

Thanks to a friend of fine, who suggested to use LetsEncrypt to get an https certificate, now the site is running https and can be accessed more easily, from cell phone etcetera. Thank you...


Chateau de Morges

Nic and I went to see this nice collection of artillery, Swiss mercenary infantry uniforms and of 40000 miniatures, hosted in the Chateau De Morges, Vaud, on the Lac Leman shores.


Il Gran Turco

This project is starting now as a joint effort of Nic and S, it will focus on building a 28mm army to play against Venetians and Imperial armies. An army focusing on the XVII-XVIII...


Playing Rommel in the desert

Nic and I are playing the Columbia Games Rommel in the desert game. Each turn is one month, an operation may be mounted at the beginning of each month. The game is more complex...


Bolt Action Normandy

A wonderful game played with Matteo! An encounter battle between a PanzerGrenadier platoon, supported by one Panzer IV, against a US paratroops platoon. Objective was the heavily shelled town of Cessy sur la Fleuve....