Author: parallels


April 2020

Matteo has painted 15 Star Wars Rebel Troopers, including one officer. Currently basing vintage 15mm ACW figures. Preparing some 20mm Vietnam War Vietcong, to be played with Battlefront or Cold War Commander. An old...

Second Battle of Bormida

ho deciso di iniziare i movimenti alle 6 del mattino, cosi’ vediamo come va “sul tavolo”. State tutti bivaccando all’inizio della battaglia. Dovete mettervi un formazione e muovere. 1 ora a mossa. Unit footprints...

Restoring my old 15mm ACW figures 0

Restoring my old 15mm ACW figures

Just started restoring my vintage 15mm ACW figures. So far prepared: 48 union infantry bases; 5 union rifled guns. 1 Gatling machine gun. 32 Confederate bases. Figures are ready to be glued on 1″x3/4″...


My first Warhammer 40k battles game

Space Marines vs Orks. Matteo and I have played 8th edition. This my first battle ever! I had tried the skirmish rules recently but I had never played a 40k battle in my life....


Battle at the Bormida bridge, 13 April 1796

An artillery bombardment starts the battle of the Bormida bridge. The artillery causes some disorder to the Brigade Victor, defending the bridge. The Piedmontese troops under Brempt watch the bombardment, grenadiers fix bayonets and...


Battle of Millesimo, 13 April 1796

Division Serurier is attacking the Piedmontese troops in Millesimo. The Piedmontese defensive line runs across the Bormida river. The French attack en masse, two brigades up. The Piedmontese fire volleys at long range and...


Battle of Voltri, 12 April 1796

This is the account of the first battle in our Dego 1796 BBB campaign. During the first two days Napoleon has ordered his troops to rush to Voltri and attack the austrians. The austrians...


Ultracombat Normandy

Abbiamo appena provato questo nuovo regolamento skirmish WW2, scritto dallo stesso gruppo che ha creato Skirmish Sangin. Molto divertente! Abbiamo giocato con una squadra per parte, i meccanismi di attivazione e di morale rendono...


Dego 1796: Austro-Piemontese diary

Initial Deployement Austrian deployment follows the scenario rules. Turn 1 Orders General Sebottendorf, commander of the Left Wing of the Austrian Army, orders Wukassowitsch and Pittoni to attack and capture Voltri, supposedly defended by...


Nuts! test game

Abbiamo provato il regolamento Nuts!, della Two-Hour-Wargames, prima edizione. Non e’ facile trovare un regolamento per giocare con una decina di pezzi. Il gioco e’ stato brutale, al primo turno un gruppo di tedeschi...