Author: parallels


Louis Nicolas van Blarenberghe

Searching for the colour of the French artillery during the Seven Years War, I have found this painter, who portrayed mainly the French Army during those years. The information found on his paintings is...


Thirty Years War Kurassiers

I have found on eBay this nice set of 25mm Minifigs Curassiers, enough to make two units of eight figures. Models are imperial cuirassiers, painted with orange plumes and scarves, probably originally painted to...


Basing for Warre

I have to start my new vintage project, to give my 40+ years old figures a new life. Next Monday we will play this Warre ruleset I had printed and in my list since...



Here the first try at a set of rules that Maurizio suggested me. they can be downloaded from this site. The battle was an absolute success! The game rules worked very well, keeping us...



Next unit to be completed will be the Bosniak lancers. I have a 12 figures unit, by Front Rank. I have bought from Front Rank also the lance pennants. I will paint them as...


French Battalion guns

I am starting to prime my first french battalion guns. I have ordered some figures from RSM during the summer. Some figures were gunners and battalion guns for French and British battalions, since I...


IL progetto di Mario, Alberto e Luca

Queste foto, sempre trovate sulla pagina facebook di Mario, illustrano un bel progetto in cui Mario ha creato una bella serie di case di carta. Devo farmi raccontare da Luca dove sono state mostrate...