Author: parallels


La vie en rose, 7me Chasseurs

Here my second regiment of French Chasseurs. Also in these case Officer, trumpeter and standard are missing. I will need to dig again in my lead pile to see if I can better complete...


Piani per il 2024

Nel 2023 sono riuscito a dipingere abbastanza, ma praticamente solo pezzi per il progetto Imagine-Nations. Penso di continuarlo, ma anche riprendere i miei napoleonici e poi iniziare qualcosa di nuovo. Da fare quindi, nell’ordine,...


Project: Vintage 30 Years’ War

This project, thought one year ago, is now starting up. I have collected a number of Minifigs and Hinchliffe figures, which need quite some restoration. I also have gathered a good number of unpainted...


Dicembre 2023

Mi e’ arrivato il rubberised horsehair, per fare gli alberi e i cespugli. Ho trovato un italiano che vende fogliame che potrei usare, qui Da fare questo mese, nell’ordine: Per il prossimo anno...


Honours of War India

Text below has been written very recently by SteveJ, on the Honours of War Forum. I made a copy here for my convenience, to remember that rules were made available, with no intention to...


Napoleon’s Horse Guard Grenadiers

Just based figures from Minifigs and Hinchliffe. I did very little restoration of these very nice figures, unbasing and cleaning, plus some touches of paint. These are Horse Guard Grenadiers. There are enough figures...


Erzherzog Carl Infantry

Before shifting to napoleonic, I think I should prepare one Seven Years War infantry battalion. Here is what I chose, details here, models will be from Front Rank.


Baranyay Hussars

My last Seven Years War unit painted. It is from Front Rank, twelve wonderful figures at the gallop. They are being painted as described here. They are very elegant in their apple green uniform....