Preparing for Matchlocks
Next week Robert and I will play “Never Mind the Matchlocks”. We are preparing units for the game.

For a first game maybe 150 points will be fine for a start.

Here is Robert’s Geneva army list, 153 points:
- Two regular battallia of 16 M + 12 pike = 56
- One raw battallia = 21
- Highlander retinue = 18
- Forlorn Hope = 6
- Vet harquebusiers = 20
- Detachment vet harquebusiers = 10
- Two Field Guns = 12
- Two brigadiers = 10
I will field a French army, for 149 points):
- One squadron of cuirassiers (8 figures = 20 points)
- One squadron of veteran harquebusiers (8 figures = 16+25% points = 20 points)
- One squadron of dragoons (8 figures = 12 points)
- There battalias of pike and shot (3 x (16 muskets + 9 pikes) 25 = 75 points)
- Two brigadiers ( 2 x 5 = 10 points)
- Two field guns ( 2 x 6 = 12 points)