Vitoria 1813

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5 Responses

  1. Richard Speedman says:

    Looks really interesting and I’d love to see the scenario, please.

  2. Alan Millicheap says:

    Very nice. Any chance of posting the scenario to the BBB site?

    • parallels says:

      Hi Alan,
      so far it is handwritten notes, order of battle and map.
      It might take a while to format it properly, but I will start.

  3. Hi Stefano, Maurizio, nice report, thank you. It’s great to see players getting creative and designing your own scenarios for BBB. Particularly impressed to see you got such a good game out of Vitoria (my own attempt in the years before BBB wasn’t very successful). Great job!

    • parallels says:

      hi Chris,
      very kind of you. I am trying to use your template to prepare a battle file. It is bit awkward to use, I wonder if you have some new version at hand.
      Many thanks,

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