Honours of War Campaign Rules
I wish to handle the potential change of unit morale and size, after a lost or a won Battle. This will allow to play all the Tabletop Teaser short campaigns from C. Grant, using the wonderful Honours of War rules by Keith Flint.
Some home rules are added on the bottom.
Participating units
Units participating in a battle undergo one or more dice throws. Effects cumulate.
All units which fired, charged, have been under fire or were charged, participated to a melee.
Standard units

- Throw 1D6 = 6 a standard unit becomes superior
Inferior units
- Throw 1D6 = 5-6 an inferior unit becomes standard
Retreated units
Battle drawn or won
- Throw 1D6 = 1, unit gets a lower morale
- Throw 1D6 = 1, units get one level smaller
- Throw 1D6 = 2-6, Battalion gun is recovered or a new one is assigned.
Battle lost
- Throw 1D6 = 1-2, unit gets a lower morale
- Throw 1D6 = 1-2, units get one level smaller
- Throw 1D6 = 3-6, Battalion gun is recovered or a new one is assigned.
Done For (Routed) units
A “Done For” units which has been caught in melee by an enemy unit, for example in a pursuit, is lost for the remainder of the campaign.
Battle drawn or won
- Throw 1D6 = 1 unit lost(no more throws), 2-3, unit gets a lower morale
- Throw 1D6 = 1-3, units get one level smaller
- Throw 1D6 = 3-6, Battalion gun is recovered or a new one is assigned.
Battle lost
- Throw 1D6 = 1 unit captured(no more throws), 2-4, unit gets a lower morale
- Throw 1D6 = 1 unit lost(no more throws), 2-4, units get one level smaller
- Throw 1D6 = 4-6, Battalion gun is recovered or a new oneis assigned.
All units which had lost their battalion guns in a previous battle.
Battle drawn or won
- Throw 1D6=4-6, new assignment of battalion gun.
Battle lost
- Throw 1D6=5-6, new assignment of battalion gun.
Destroyed guns
Throw 1D6 per destroyed gun, i.e. 2D6 for units “Done For” due to two destroyed guns.
Battle drawn or won
- Throw 1D6=4-6, gun is recovered or newly assigned.
Battle lost
- Throw 1D6=5-6, gun is newly assigned.
Captured guns
It happens when an artillery unit looses a melee or when an infantry unit with attached battalion guns looses a melee.
This is not covered in the current rules, but capturing and using enemy guns did occur historically. Therefore some rules are appropriate.
Only infantry or artillery units may capture enemy guns. Only enemy guns that have already been abandoned can be captured. Units moving into contact with an abandoned enemy gun must declare that they wish to capture and use it. If the gun has just been abandoned following a lost melee, and the other unit has itself not retreated or routed, this has already been achieved. On the next turn the capturing unit must remain in contact with the enemy gun throughout the turn, although they may fire their own weapons. On the following move the gun is ready for use.
In summary – capture on the first move, make the gun ready during the second move, fire on the third move.
Post battle:
- Captured guns may be assigned to units which lost their guns, either being captured or destroyed.
- An artillery unit which got all guns captured is lost.
Civilian units Rule
A civilian unit moves and fights as an inferior light infantry unit, it cannot fire if it has moved or during evasion. Every time it receives one or more hits, throw 1D6 = 1, unit routs.
Cossacks units rule
Cossacks are normally inferior light cavalry, with some custom rules:
- may only charge close order infantry frontally if their target is in march column or is already in melee with another unit.
- They may charge close order infantry in flank or rear, but if these units turn to face the cossacks must stop half way through their charge.
- Cossacks may initiate a charge but always evade from any enemy charge.
Built-up areas and passing through roads
Some scenarios may foresee built-up areas crossed by roads. In this case units may pass through in march order, they need to spend half a move, if infantry, and a full move if cavalry or artillery, to move out of the road and garrison the built-up unit.
On leaving the BUA, infantry units may be put back in march order on the road at the cost of half a move, or may be placed up to half a move away from the BUA.
Units on road cannot engage units with firing and can only charge in melee other units present on the same road.
All standard rules apply.