Tabletop Teaser: Threat to the flank!
I found on the web a Charles Grant scenario adapted for Honours of War. Many thanks to the fellow gamers who set it all up for us!

Details will follow, now some photos of the table, ready to play!
Blue aim: Blue must defeat the Red force causing it to abandon its position ad retire South.
Group “M” on the map
- Blue C-in-C Dashing
- First Infantry Brigade 3x Line Infantry
- Second Infantry Brigade 3x Line Infantry, 1x Field Artillery
- First Cavalry Brigade 2x Cavalry
- BP:5
Group “F” on the map – Flanking Force
- Second Cavalry Brigade 2x Cavalry
- Third Infantry Brigade 2x Line Infantry, 1x Field Artillery
- BP:3
Red aim: To defeat the enemy and halt his advance Southwards Red C-in-C Dependable
Group “D” on the map – Main Force
- First Infantry Brigade 4xLine Infantry, 1xField Artillery
- Independent 1xCavalry
- BP:4
Group “R” on the map – Counter Flanking Force
- Cavalry Brigade 2x Cavalry
- Second Infantry Brigade 2x Line Infantry, 1x Field Artillery
- BP:3
Move and fire initiative
Blue has the first move on the 1st turn. Then move and fire initiative is diced.
- River: Can be crossed normally from the bridge and by the section marked between the dashed lines with 1/2 move penalty
- Woods: Soft cover
- Brook and swampy terrain: Can be crossed with 1/2 move penalty No artillery in the swamps!
- Two small houses in front of the river: Offer partial cover. Any troops behind them may shoot or be shot with -1.
- Hill: Gently sloping, offers overhead shooting to the Red Battery defending it.
- Small Village: Can hold one infantry unit. Soft cover.
- Fields: Decorative
Rounds: 12
Victory conditions:
- Victory: Break the enemy
- Marginal victory: Bring the enemy 1 BP before breaking. All other outcomes: Draw
This scenario is suitable for any Horse and Musket period
- Option 1: Give Blue one more Field Artillery
- Option 2: For both players, substitute one line infantry with Grenadiers (Superior) and/or one line infantry with Light Infantry (skirmishers – Blue’s could have rifles daresay)
- Additionally: Substitute one Cavalry with Cuirassiers (Superior) and/or one Cavalry with Hussars (Light Horse)
- Option 3: (especially for Marlburian): Substitute one Cavalry with Dragoons (dismount as Infantry – suitable to run quickly and hold the bridge
- Option 4: Except from the ford, the river to be fordable in all other places, it suffices the attacker to bring a 5 or 6 to discover the ford.ndrea2..

Adaptation of the OOBs given by C. Grant for Honours of War rules:
The troops of the combatants may be deployed anywhere in any formation in their respective “M”, “F”, “D” and “R” areas as marked by the surrounding dashed lines
The position of the troops on the map is purely indicative
Blue aim: Blue must defeat the Red force causing it to abandon its position ad retire South.
Group “M” on the map Blue C-in-C Dashing
- First Infantry Brigade: 3x Line Infantry
- Second Infantry Brigade: 3x Line Infantry, 1x Field Artillery
- First Cavalry Brigade 2x Cavalry
Group “F” on the map – Flanking Force
- Second Cavalry Brigade: 2x Cavalry
- Third Infantry Brigade 2x Line Infantry, 1x Field Artillery
BP : 3
Red aim: To defeat the enemy and halt his advance Southwards Red C-in-C Dependable
Group “D” on the map – Main Force
- First Infantry Brigade 4xLine Infantry, 1xField Artillery
- Independent 1xCavalry
Group “R” on the map – Counter Flanking Force
- Cavalry Brigade 2x Cavalry
- Second Infantry Brigade 2x Line Infantry, 1x Field Artillery
All Brigadiers dependable.
If the two players wish so, they may agree to throw a die for their quality.
Move and fire initiative
Blue has the first move on the 1st turn. Then move and fire initiative is diced.
- River: Can be crossed normally from the bridge and by the section marked between the dashed lines with 1/2 move penalty
- Woods: Soft cover
- Brook and swampy terrain: Can be crossed with 1/2 move penalty No artillery in the swamps!
- Two small houses in front of the river: Offer partial cover. Any troops behind them may shoot or be shot with -1.
- Hill: Gently sloping, offers overhead shooting to the Red Battery defending it.
- Small Village: Can hold one infantry unit. Soft cover.
- Fields: Decorative
Rounds: 12
Victory conditions:
- Victory: Break the enemy
- Marginal victory: Bring the enemy 1 BP before breaking. All other outcomes: Draw
This scenario is suitable for any Horse and Musket period
- Option 1: Give Blue one more Field Artillery
- Option 2: For both players, substitute one line infantry with Grenadiers (Superior) and/or one line infantry with Light Infantry (skirmishers – Blue’s could have rifles daresay)
- Additionally: Substitute one Cavalry with Cuirassiers (Superior) and/or one Cavalry with Hussars (Light Horse)
- Option 3: (especially for Marlburian): Substitute one Cavalry with Dragoons (dismount as Infantry – suitable to run quickly and hold the bridge)
- Option 4: Except from the ford, the river to be fordable in all other places, it suffices the attacker to bring a 5 or 6 to discover the ford.