Spearhead Normandy, 6 June 1944
Today I had a very enjoyable game, using my 6mm British and German models and playing the first Spearhead scenario from the White Star Rising Supplement.
The commentary below:
It is 6th June 1944, the British are advancing north of Caen, two Infantry Brigades, supported by a Churchill tank regiment and Naval artillery are spearheading the advance.. The germans have decided to attack at once with their armoured reserve the 21st Panzer Division. A panzergrenadier regiment, a Panzer battalion and the whole divisional Recce advance through the Bocage towards the enemy. Recce battalion leading the advance, seeks contact with the enemy. The recce battalion and the motorised Panzergrenadier regiment are advancing through the single road available, while the Armored Panzergrenadier battalion and the Panzer Abteilung (Pz IVH) advance in battle order to the far left of the road. The four british battalions have attached Churchil squadrons, an HMG and an antitank company. They advance two battalions in front and two in the back. The first two are very close to the second village along the road. The germans have deployed the divisional self-propelled artillery in the bocage. The artillery supports have been dropped behind, here a 120mm mortar battery nearby a village. The terrain is divided in two regions, field and hedges at north of the battlefield while the southern part, showed here is bocage country. A picture far away from the battle. The recon battalion has retired after sustaining heavy losses, while the motorised panzergrenadier battalion has to sustain the brunt of the attack. The british defend all hedge lines with infantry supported by armour, but the PzIVH are able to target and destroy all Churchills. The panzergrenadier have managed to capture half of the second village, but are almost surrounded by the British. The panzergrenadiers are overwhelmed by the British, a very thin line is keeping the front. But.. On the right flank of the British, a very strong armoured attack is developing, the Gepanzert PZGrenadiers and the Panzer Abteilung are attacking in unison. The fourth British Regiment is caught in the open and the panzers overrun the first infantry platoons, attacking with machine-guns and cannon at point blank. In the meanwhile, the battle line is still crossing in the middle of the village, but none dares to attack. The battle ends with the two british battalions crushed by the panzer attack. This is not enough to claim victory for the germans, since the motorised battalion, too pressed by the british especially the almost unscathed battalion at the left flank, routs towards south, leaving the center of the battlefield free for the British advance.
In order to win, the german player had to attack and hold all four village, spread along the whole length of the table.
The british was supported by naval gunfire. The cruiser fire could not eliminate the tanks, but was good enough to annihilate a company of gepanzert panzer grenadiers. and some additional infantry.
The game was a close victory for the British. The german decided to make the major attack to the right flank of the British with the two armoured battalions, but the motorised battalion was not enough to contain the British infantry supported by heavy tanks.
The recon battalion played the initial role of containing the enemy but could not stand the ground against the british.
The command rules allow the german to react very swiftly to any change of battle situations, while the british player cannot change orders to his manoeuvre elements when they are engaged by the enemy.
Spearhead is a real jewel for large WW2 (and modern) battles. Try it!
An enjoyable report, thanks for posting. I have not played that scenario, but a variant of it. Your terrain and miniatures combine well creating a good visual record.