Lion Rampant, nuove regole
Flank and Rear attacks
- Models may move in any direction without penalty, but at the end of the unit’s movement, ensure that all models are facing in one direction.
- To change the direction a unit is facing requires a Move activation, even if the models just turn on the spot.
- Units may only Shoot at targets across the 180° arc to their front, measured from the unit’s forward-most model. At least one model from the target unit must be fully within this arc.
- Units may only Attack units within that same arc; the same applies for Wild Charges (they may not be made against units outside of the arc).
- Units shot at or Attacked by a unit beginning its move or shooting from behind its front arc count their Armour as 1 lower than normal (so Armour 2 becomes Armour 1). This is pretty deadly so don’t get flanked!
- Schiltrons cannot be flanked.
- Use 1 artillery model plus 6 crew (Your Leader can’t be part of this unit).
- May be operated so long as 1 crewman is still alive.
- Points cost: 4 points (maximum of 1 artillery piece per Retinue).
- Range: Anywhere within line of sight on the tabletop.
- Shoot value: 7+.
- Damage: Roll 12 dice against the target unit, hitting on 3+. Ignore cover.
- Reload value: 10+. After a successful Shoot action, the artillery may not be fired again until a successful Reload action has taken place. This is carried out as a normal, ordered activation.
- May not move during the game and must be deployed in the player’s deployment zone.
- If contacted, shot at, and for Courage tests, the crew count as Serfs at their current strength (6 models or less).
- The crew must maintain cohesion around the artillery model (not moving more than 3” beyond it).
Foot Yeomen and Serjeants upgrade:
Pikes @ 1 point per unit: Defence value becomes 3+ versus Mounted units.
I’ve also been asked about mobile schiltrons for pike formations. The original name for this rule during playtesting was “spear hedge” or “hedgehog”, as the schiltron rule really represents any style of tight infantry formation relying on mutual defence. But if you do want to have your schiltrons moving around the tabletop, here are a couple of suggestions to try out:
Foot Yeomen and Serjeants upgrade:
Mobile Schiltron @ 1 or 2 points per unit. Allows units to move in Schiltron at half speed for 1 point or full speed for 2 points. Cannot move in Rough terrain.
- Attack 7+ Attack value 6
- Move 6+ Defence value 6
- Shoot 8+ Shoot value / Range 6 / 12”
- Courage 4+ Maximum movement 6”
- Armour 2 Special rules Bang; Panic
- Models per unit: 6
Special rules:
- Bang: All units count as Armour 1 against Shooting by this unit (Armour 2 if in cover).
- Panic: When this unit Shoots, the target unit must take a Courage test regardless of the number of hits inflicted.
Unit upgrades:
• Pavises @ 2 points per unit. As for Crossbows.
I’d suggest choosing one of these ways to handle firearms in Lion Rampant:
- Use the Crossbowmen profile: this is a quick and simple way to include firearms in your units; although their range is quite long, the slower firing rate compared to bows is a reasonable representation of early firearms.
- Use the Bidowers profile: Equally quick and simple, but I’d suggest this is a more accurate way of depicting firearms: the range is shorter and they will act as true skirmishers.
- Use the ‘Hollywood’ purpose-built profile (Handgonnes, shown earlier in thread).
- Use the following unit upgrade for Crossbowmen: Firearms @ -1 point per unit: Range becomes 12”; may still upgrade to pavises.
War Wagons
- Attack – (war wagons cannot initiate a combat against any other unit)
- Move 7+
- Shoot 6+
- Courage 4+
- Armour 4
- Attack Value 6+
- Defence Value 5+
- Shoot Value 5+/18″
- Movement 4″
- Points 4
- Models per unit/wagon – 6 (crew/archers/crossbowmen etc)
- Special Rules – A war wagon never disengages! If the wagon loses the round of melee then the winner has to retreat.