Il tembe
A tembe is shaped like a hollow rectangle with 8 external walls – 4 facing outwards,
and 4 enclosing a small open courtyard. It is assumed to be divided internally into 4 rooms; I on each side.
Doors and internal walls are treated exactly the same as the external walls. Movement in the courtyard, or
entirely inside the building, is treated as in the open. It may hold up to 30 figures, but is assumed to have
enough loopholes for 5 figures to shoot through each external wall, and 2 through each internal wall into the
courtyard. Shooters with muzzle-loaders can use the same 2-rank system for maintaining a continuous fire
as those behind field fortifications (see above).
Tabora, eine Tembe [Wohnhaus der Wahehe] OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
The walls of a tembe cannot be crossed while they are intact, so figures behind them cannot be attacked
hand-to-hand. Only those shooting this turn are vulnerable to missiles from outside; they are treated the
same as targets behind fortifications, except that they cannot be attacked with weapons other than firearms,
and if hit by these (other than Artillery or Gunboats) they receive a saving throw. On a score of 3 or better
on a D6, they are unhurt.