Dragon Rampant

Flank and Rear attacks
⢠Models may move in any direction without penalty, but at the end of the unitâs movement, ensure that all models are facing in one direction.
⢠To change the direction a unit is facing requires a Move activation, even if the models just turn on the spot.
⢠Units may only Shoot at targets across the 180° arc to their front, measured from the unitâs forward-most model. At least one model from the target unit must be fully within this arc.
⢠Units may only Attack units within that same arc; the same applies for Wild Charges (they may not be made against units outside of the arc).
⢠Units shot at or Attacked by a unit beginning its move or shooting from behind its front arc count their Armour as 1 lower than normal (so Armour 2 becomes Armour 1). This is pretty deadly so donât get flanked!
⢠Schiltrons cannot be flanked.
Tolkien armies
- ‘ringwraiths’ (horse-mounted FotR nazgûl incarnations, so to speak) whether a single rider or more,
- I think I’d go with heavy riders. Fear, natch. Also blessed (cursed) weapons and perhaps mystical armour. Or fear and venomous.
- I even wonder whether horse-mounted Nazgul might even be Light Riders tooled up with a load of fantastical upgrades. Their physical forms seem to be rather frail, but their power lies elsewhere.
- I’d be inclined to represent mounted Ringwraiths as light riders, as they’re not particularly hand to hand combatants, but give them the fear and wizardling abilities (using the “Almighty Prod”, “Banish Fear” and “Befuddle thee” spells to represent the fear they inspire in friends and enemies alike.
- ‘fellbeast’ nazgûl I’d consider lesser warbeast rather than greater, for the same reasons. Flame/spore attack to represent darts (though I understand there’s some debate about that); fear; flying.
- Orc chieftain/leader with bodyguard, Heavy offensive foot.
- half-orcs of Saruman, Elite Foot
- uruks Bellicose Foot with the Shiny Armour upgrade
- (Mordor Uruks, Isengard Uruk-hai etc) either Heavy offensive foot or Bellicose foot with Shiny Armour.
- To bulk out an orcish warband, I’d allow an unlimited amount of Ravenous Horde units
- Otherwise, Bellicose foot
- Orc archers, Scouts
- For wolfriders, I’d use the Lesser Warbeasts and Light Riders profiles (probably more the former than the latter)
- Snaga (little orcs), Light offensive foot and Fearful, can be mixed weapons.
- Soldier orcs (“average” sized orcs), Light offensive foot, can be mixed weapons.
Types for Lion rampant
Dwarfs –
1 Khazad Guard* (Foot Men-at-Arms)
2 Dwarf Warriors, mix of two-handed axe, and axe and shield. (Expert Foot Serjeants)
1 Dwarf Archers (Expert Foot Archers)
Moria Goblins –
1 Goblin Warriors* (Foot Serjeants)
4 Goblin Spearmen (Foot Yeoman)
2 Goblin Archers (Foot Archers)
* – Leader units.
Forces of Light
Foot Men-at-Arms
Foot Serjeants (Expert)
Archers (Expert)
Foot Men-at-Arms
Foot Serjeants (Expert)
Foot Men-at-Arms
Mounted Men-at-Arms
Mounted Serjeants
Men of Dale
Foot Yeoman
Forces of Darkness
Orcs and Goblins
Urak hai â Foot Men-at-Arms
(Soldier) Orcs â Foot Serjeants
Goblins – Foot Yeoman
Warg Riders – Mounted Yeoman
Moria Goblins – Serfs
Moria Goblin Archers – Bidowers
Foot Men-at-Arms
Foot Serjeants
Men of Bree
Mounted Yeomen
Foot Yeomen
Fierce foot
Orcs and half-orcs
Half-orc axemen: Foot Men-at-Arms
Uruks (of Isengard and Mordor; also found in Moria and the Misty Mountains): Expert Foot Sergeants with Mixed Weapons or Fierce Foot with Mixed Weapons and the option to try to shoot if they don’t wild charge (to represent high-quality officers like Ugluk). Perhaps some units could just be Fierce Foot (for example, the orcs led by the huge chieftain in Moria who led the attack on the Chamber of Mazarbul, or the bodyguard of Bolg).
Lesser orcs (in the armies of Mordor and the Misty Mountains): Foot Yeomen with Mixed Weapons and Serfs (Foot Yeomen for the better-armed and led, Serfs for the rabble)
Orcish trackers and scouts: Bidowers
Half-orc ruffians (in the Shire): Expert Foot Yeomen (no spears).
Olog-hai trolls: three-strong units of Foot Men-at-Arms (with two “wounds” each); I’m sure the Dragon Rampant rules will cater for them, though.
Pellenor Fields and Battle of the Five Armies.
Some troops are easy but others are difficult
Dwarves as Expert Foot Sergeants
Elves as Expert Archers or Expert Foot Sergeants
Uruks Berserkers as Fierce Foot
Other Uruks as Foot Sergeants or Archers or Crossbowmen
Mordor Orcs as Foot Yeoman or Archers
Moria Goblins can be Serfs or Archers
Riders of Rohan as Mounted Sergeants
Men of Dale or Men of Minas Tirith as Foot Sergeants
Some Characters
ALAN THE OGREBellicose Foot + Fear (fetid smell) @ 6 points
ARDENUFF THE TROLL SLAYERElite Foot + Troll Slayer @ 6/10 points
BRESSLOREâS FLOATING EYELesser Warbeast + Flyer + Hatred + Venomous @ 10 points
FINBAR THE WAR HEDGEHOG Lesser Warbeast + spiny missiles @ 5 points· Spiny missiles: Shoot 6+/Range 6â hitting on 5+. When Finbar is scared, he is capable of firing out spines over short distances (1 point). Beware!
ICECONE THE BARBARIAN ON A MASSIVE TIGER! Elite Rider + Enchanted Weapon + Fear @ 9 points
MACTAVISH AND MR NESBITBellicose Foot + War Bagpipes @ 6 points· War bagpipes: Count as a Blessed melee weapon; success means that the enemy warband is numbed by the sound of Mr Nesbitâs âmusicâ (2 points)
SILVERSWORD THE COWARDLY PALADINOffensive Heavy Foot + Blessed Weapon + Fearful @ 6 points
THE MIGHTY SUMMONER, COLINHeavy Foot + Summoner @ 7 points
THE WIZARD OF WORD MOUNTAIN, BRINGER OF DECISIONSElite Foot + Tentacles + Spellcaster @ 10 points· Tentacles on his face: No effect on gameplay, but just donât mention them or stare at them.
TOADSTOOLS OF ARAMISOption for all troop types except Flyers and Missile units @ 2 points· A unit including Aramis toadstools gains 1 extra Armour when being targeted by Shooting (not Attacks or Spells): the toadstools fire out defensive spores when attacked by such âbirdsâ. The toadstools must be modelled on a base to accompany the unit.
Place anywhere on table before deployment; gives +1 bonus to all friendly unitâs Courage tests within 12â @ 2 points.