Skirmish ultramodern

At Close Quarters, di Chris Peers.
Painting guide camo suits
1. French Lizard camo. Used in Algeria and Indochina.
Paint he base colour of the uniform Vallejo 978 Dark Yellow mixed with V. 331 Hi Light Italian Tanker
Paint stripes left and right and up and down with V. Luftwaffe Cam. Green
Paint stripes left and right up and down with V. 984 Flatbrown mixed with V.981 Orange Brown.
2. Multicam (Used by Special forces since 2005, US Army 2011, British Army 2010)
Paint the uniform with a mix of V. Green Brown 879 and V. Iraqi Sand 819 (Mix A)
Then using Mix A, add V. 330 Highlight Russian Tanker and paint large blobs over the Mix A.
Next, take Mix A and add V. 825 German Cam Pale Brown and paint new blobs. Be sure to leave all 3 colours on show.
Using a finer brush paint squiggle shapes all over the uniform using V.812 Leather Brown
Then half paint these squiggles with a mix of Foundry Phlegm green C and V. Iraq Sand
Then paint the very edge of these squiggles V. Splinter green
Use a fine brsh dot irregularly over this mess with V. Olive Drab and V. Pale Sand
3. US Desert 3 Tone BDU (used during the Iraq and Afghan invasion and for a few yeasr before the switch to ACU)
Paint the uniform V. 847 Dark Sand
Mix V. US Dark Green intot he Dark Sand and apply broad horizontal stripes.
Mix V. Flat Earth into the Dark Sand and edge the one side of the green stripe
4. US ACU (Grey Digital)
Paint the uniform v. 315 Light Mud
Dot in irregular zig zags a mix of V.315 and V.866 Grey Green
Add another layer of teh same mix but darker if you want.
5. UK Desert DPM
Paint the uniform Iraqi Sand
Now if you are painting the early version of Desert DPM use V. Flat Earth mixed 50/50 with V. New Wood and apply curling swathes all over.
If you want the later colour, paint the swathes with V. Flat Earth mixed with Iraq Sand.
6. USMC Desert Colours
Paint the webbing v. Khaki Grey
Paint the uniform v. Pale Sand
Wash the uniform with a brown ink or if you want to paint the digital pattern, pick a pale browna nd mix it till very pale with V. Pale Sand and apply irregular dots.