After having read a few pages of “Playing at the world”, by Jon Peterson, I have updated this old post where we have played this very old, better ancient ruleset designed for Elastolin figures in the far 60’s.
The game foresees the Siege of the castle of Bodenburg. Medievals equipped with siege equipment and Huns lead the assault. Landsknechts arrive with a wagon full of food to bring in supplies. Knights will arrive the third turn to relieve the siege.
The castle and his defenders.Landsknechts with supply wagon arriving.
The siege tower.
The Huns.
Prince Valiant and his lady (or mistress?).
Catapults are ready to batter the castle walls.
Besieging archers forward!
The defenders have a large bombard to defend themselves.
Close-up of the marvelous Elastolin wagon.
The attacking hordes.
Conscript and veteran players are partecipating to the happening organized by Luca, from Strategia Nova.
Right wing attacking.
The landsknechts prepare to defend the wagons from the Huns.
The melee!!!
Large gaps in the ranks of both sides appear.
The assailants do not come too close to the walls, since the archery fire is murderous.
The whole battle. On the far left the horse knights have just appeared.
Hunnic column ready to strike?
Defenders on the battered walls. the gate has been smashed open by catapult fire.
Piles of dead.
The defenders are starving, the come out to defend themselves (and find food!)
Defending the gate.
Bird’s eye view.The melee between Huns and Knights.
The Lady is the last to leave the castle caught by famine.
Last clash on the far right.
With the coup de main the assailants enter the castle, not very many defenders (and assailants) are left alive.
castle is taken, battle is lost and won.
Last look at the rules, bit difficult at the first reading but simple and fun to play.