Preparing for Agliana
The work for preparing the ARSM table for Agliana has started. The game will be based on the Gothic War descriptions from Procopius. many large skirmishes and battles have been fought around the city of Rome, just outside her walls.
We will depict Porta (Gate) S. Paolo and its surroundings, including the Basilica of S.Paolo, just outside the walls.
One of the big battles has been dpicted by Procopius ouside of the Porta Pinciana, but for a demonstration game, the scenery of S.Paolo is just perfect!

The road starting from this gate is the via Ostiense, leading to the port of Rome, Ostia.

The map. On the left the Eternal City. On the right, the countryside and Ostia. On the south end the Tiber River.

The full layout of the walls.

Details of the Gate.

The small pyramid (it will become bigger on its next version) is the Piramide Cestia.