Castiglione in 1mm
Here are the first photos of the Battle of castiglione. Here you may find details of the battle.
First part of the Battle
battle begins at 6 am. french reinforcements arrive with 6 the second turn 5-6 the third and so on. Austrin reinforcements arrive with 6 the first and second turn, 5-6 the third and fourth and so on.

On this picture the Austrian positions at the beginning of the battle, facing Castglione on top of the picture.

A redoubt is on the Solferino heights, more regiments near the Solferino castle.

The french are starting their march move from Castiglione, Massena leading the first column.

Napoleon giving his last reccomendations to the troops.

After just two hours the french are approaching thenaustrian far left with the first demi-brigades formed in battle array.

At 10 AM Fiorella appears from south-east, the austrians must counter this threat which migth capture the full army train!

At 11AM also the austrian troops arrivinh in haste from the siege of Peschiera reach the battlefiled’ but they are met by a french demi brigade which was commanded on the plateau.

Here the full blow og the revolutionary army of Italy hits the austrian lines on the southers edge of the austrian army.

The austrin have to deliver their second line of troops towards Fiorella. They are fast enough to counter the enemy while the french deploy.

A birds view of the battlefield, as seen from the south. As you can see, a french division is deplyed in battle array nearbythe edge of the italian heigths. They do not attack for fea of the many artillery batteries deployed in defense of the austrin centre.
Solferino is occupied by the french!
The Austrian left recoils under pressure of the french army, but the morale of the Lombardische Armee is high, and the central positions is in Austrian hands!