Variable Length Bound wargaming
I have started preparing for the third test battle, a small campaign.
The armies are taken from the very good Castiglione 1796 book from Voykovitsch.
I will use the sam program to make initial campaign moves, just chaing the terrain scale to the map scale. As a map I have 1:25000 maps from the Istituto Gografico Militare.
My new graphical user interface, almost ready for my third battle test.
Battle tests
VLB with modern Babbage machine test battle

I will start posting on this page all documents and thoughts I have on this wonderful concept, from George Jeffrey, Peter Dennis and Cliff Knight.
My dear friend Piero Pompili introduced me to this style of gaming long ago, in the ’80s I believe. Here is a document I just found on American Civil War wargaming. A few pages draft ruleset named Belmont. I believe that the grey book American Civil War came from these ideas.
This document is part of a correspondence between UK and Italy during that period. The blue handwriting is mine, also from the ’80s.
I will try to find out from Piero if he has more on the subject.
If anybody is interested on the use of a computer interface to play VLB battles, here is a snapshot of a test game.
I may post more info.