by Brian Scherzer
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I. LENGTH OF GAME We assume that Wilcox launched his attack at 4:30 pm, and that fighting could have continued until a little after dark, or until around 7:30 pm. The scenario there consists of twelve turns. During the last two turns, NIGHT RULES, as described on pages 26(Night fire) and 52(6.3.6 Terrain at Night) of the JOHNNY REB rulebook apply. It is recommended that players use a time record chart players can refer to in order to assure that reinforcements enter when they are supposed to. II. VICTORY CONDITIONS In order to win the Rebels must control Bald Ridge by games end. "Control" means that Rebel troops must be in firm possession of the roads over ridge at the points (A and B) indicated on the TAC Map. The Yankees win if the Confederates fail to achieve their victory condition. Ill. TERRAIN DESCRIPTION Except for Bald Ridge, the battlefield is flat or gently undulating wooded terrain unless cleared for farming or for fields of fire. As indicated on the TAC Map, Woods are either BROKEN or ROUGH ground.. The battlefield is cut up by numerous streams, the most significant being the north and south forks of Old Town Creek, and Arthur's Swamp. Arthur's Swamp is passable only at the bridge. The forks of Old Town Creek are fordable as ROUGH ground. The fords of these creeks are passable as BROKEN ground. The bed of the North Fork extends 3" either side of the water. The sorghum field is treated as ROUGH ground for visibility but BROKEN ground for movement. Units in the sorghum field save on 1. Bald Ridge is a gently rising hill two inches high. Troops moving uphill do so at BROKEN ground movement rate. The Squirrel Level Line is considered MEDIUM WORKS facing north (the Federals expended much effort earlier in the day "reversing" these captured works). The incomplete works are considered LIGHT WORKS. Due to recent rains, all roads are considered OPEN ground IV. TACTICAL SURPRISE During the first turn of play, all Union regiments are subject to TACTICAL SURPRISE as described in the JOHNNY REB rulebook. In essence what this means is that the regimental BMP is modified upward for CONDITIONAL HOLD(+1), and for the results of the computation required by the TACTICAL SURPRISE rule as well. Therefore, it is possible for a regiment's BMP to be raised as little as +1(just the CONDITIONAL HOLD modifier), or as high as +5(the maximum penalty for TACTICAL SURPRISE plus +1 for CONDITIONAL HOLD). Once a unit has ROUTED, the modifications for CONDITIONAL HOLD and for TACTICAL SURPRISE is no longer applied to the BMP. V. INITIAL DEPLOYMENT GENERAL: TURN ONE begins after all units are deployed. Therefore, the initial deployment configuration represents the positions of the forces at the end of a previous turn. After all units are deployed, all units MARK ORDERS, and the battle then begins. UNION DEPLOYMENT: each symbol on the TAC MAP represents the position of one field maneuver element. One such element must occupy the exact position on the game table that a map symbol occupies on the TAC MAP. This is essential in order to recreate the historical position of the troops at the moment of the counterattack. With certain exceptions that will be listed below, players may choose which regiment represents which symbol. most gamers do not own every regiment that fought in every battle, and so tend to use what regiments they do have to represent the various maneuver elements in a given scenario. This is why we do not provide exact regimental OBs in our scenarios. JOHNNY REB is a grand-tactical game, and we are primarily interested in representing the proper brigade identity and strength, and are not as concerned about representing exactly the strength or identity of smaller units. In the field, smaller regiments often operated as combined maneuver elements, so that it is not unrealistic in a large scale game like JOHNNY REB to depict two or three tiny historic regiments with one large wargame maneuver element. The bulk of Simon Griffin's brigade is deployed north of Jones' Farm. The repeating rifle armed regiment is deployed as skirmishers. To its right, One of Griffin's 500 man units is in line and obliqued to the right so as to face the enemy sharpshooters. Griffin's second line is standing just south of the orchard. One 300 man unit is posted at the northern intersection of the Pegram House and Church roads. The green 400 man unit of the brigade is standing in second line in the woods immediately east of the intersection of the Pegram House Road and Road D. Finally, one 300 man regiment is standing in line immediately east of the Pegram House. This regiment is not subject to brigade integrity rules. The first line of Curtin's brigade, three maneuver elements strong, is standing in line immediately north of of the sorghum field. The second line, also three units strong, is standing to the right and rear of the first line, at an approximately 450 angle to the first line. The 500 man unit of the brigade is in line immediately east of the intersection of the Pegram House Road and Road D. Parke, Willcox, and Potter, are on the field at set-on. CONFEDERATE DEPLOYMENT: McGowan's and Lane's brigades of the Light Division MUST deploy within 3" of the North Fork of Old Town Creek. Historically, McGowan held the left of the line. Troops from these brigades may also deploy within 4" of Map Symbols C and D. McGowan's sharpshooter battalion MUST deploy within 4" of Map Symbol D. Joel Griffin's cavalry brigade MUST deploy within 2" of Incomplete Work #3. One brigade of Lee's Third Cavalry Division may deploy within 2" of any of the incomplete works, but the Rebel player can refrain from setting this unit an during set-on, and may then bring the brigade on anywhere along the west side of the table during the MOVEMENT PHASE of TURN ONE. Hampton's command figure is with this brigade, as is one section of Lee's horse artillery battery. VI. REINFORCEMENTS UNION REINFORCEMENTS: During the MOVEMENT PHASE of TURN SIX, roll one six-sided die for the arrival of Spear's (Gwyn's) brigade of Brigadier General Charles Griffin's division of the Vth Corps. Spear enters TURN SIX if a 1 or 2 is rolled. If the brigade fails to enter on TURN SIX, roll again on TURN SEVEN. This time the brigade enters on a 1, 2, or 3. This process continues on consecutive turns, always adding one to the number needed for entry, until Spear's and his men come on. Warren may enter with Spear, as can Charles Griffin. On the turn following Spear's entry, Gregory's brigade of Griffin's division may enter. The rifled battery of Monroe's artillery enters during the movement phase of TURN 3. One battery of Napoleons enters with Spears, and the other battery with Gregory. Monroe's command figure enters with Spears. On TURN TEN, roll one six-sided die for the arrival of Hoffman's brigade. The unit enters on a roll of 1, 2, or 3 All these units enter in MARCH COLUMN on the Church Road CONFEDERATE REINFORCEMENTS: Pegram's artillery battalion enters during the MOVEMENT PHASE of TURN ONE anywhere along the north edge of the game table. The battalion must enter as a unit. Macrae's and McComb's brigades of Major General Henry Heth's division enter during the MOVEMENT PHASE of TURN ONE anywhere along the north edge of the game table. Historically, McComb entered east of the Church Road, and Macrae entered west of that road. The Heth and Archer command figures enter with these units. The second brigade of Lee's cavalry division may enter anywhere along the west edge of the table during the MOVEMENT PHASE OF TURN ONE. Any cavalry units entering this turn must do so in column or line formation, and, of course, all cavalry fight dismounted in this scenario. The other horse artillery section enters now, as does Lee's command figure. VII CRITICAL POINTS UNION: There is no combined CRITICAL POINT total for the Union army. Parke's IXth Corps has a separate CRITICAL POINT total of 82. When the corps looses 30%-25 points, it can no longer attack. At 40% losses (33 points) the corps must retire from the field. The Vth Corps elements engaged have a CRITICAL POINT total of 25. If Vth Corps troops loose 8 points(30%), they may not attack. If they loose 10(40%), they must retire from the field. Hoffman's brigade of Crawford's division need not concern itself with the CRITICAL POINT situation. Corps commanders Parke and Warren are worth 4 CRITICAL POINTS, division commanders are worth 3 and brigade leaders, and artillery battalion commanders are worth 2. CONFEDERATE: The infantry and cavalry commands have separate CRITICAL POINT totals. Heth's and Wilcox's infantry, and Pegram's battalion have a CRITICAL POINT total of 64. When the infantry elements loose CRITICAL POINTS totalling 40%(26), they can no longer attack. At 50%(32) the infantry and Pegram must retire from the field. Hampton's men have a CRITICAL POINT total of 34(40%=14, 50%=17). Players may decide to use 30% and 40% as the critical percentages for the cavalry, as they might have had a little less "staying power" than the infantry. Heth and Hampton are worth 4 CRITICAL POINTS each, Archer, Wilcox, and Lee are worth 3 each, and all the other command figures are worth 2 each. Orders of BattleUNIONELEMENTS: ARMY OF THE POTOMACMajor General George G. Meade (not present) IX ARMY CORPSMajor General John G. Parke (ben 1) FIRST INFANTRY DIVISION; Brigadier General Orlando Willcox (ben 1)
SECOND BRIGADE; Brigadier John F. Hartranft (ben 2) one regt., 15 figs., BMP 2, elite, rifled muskets two regts., 15 figs., BMP 3, average, rifled muskets one regt., 20 figs. BMP 3, average, rifled muskets one regt., 20 figs., BMP 4, green, rifled muskets THIRD BRIGADE: Colonel Napoleon McLaughlen(ben 1) three regts., 15 fig average, BMP 3, average, rifled muskets one regt., 25 figs, BMP 4, green, rifled muskets one regt., 20 figs, BMP 3, average, rifled muskets SECOND INFANTRY DIVISION; Brigadier General Robert B. Potter(ben 1)
SECOND BRIGADE; Brigadier General Simon G. Griffin(ben 1) one regt., 15 figs, BMP 2, elite, repeating rifles two regts., 20 fig average, BMP 3,average, rifled muskets one regt., 25 figs., BMP 3, average, rifled muskets one regt., 15 figs., BMP 3, average, rifled muskets one regt., 20 figs., BMP 4, green , rifled muskets ARTILLERY BATTALION (-); Lt. Col. John A. Monroe (ben 1 arty only) three batteries of two sections each. One battery is armed with rifles and is rated average. The other two batteries are armed with Napoleons, and are rated elite. ELEMENTS, Vth ARMY CORPSMajor General G. K. Warren (ben 1) FIRST DIVISION (-); Brigadier General Charles Griffin(ben 1)
THIRD BRIGADE; Major Ellis Spear(ben 1) two regts., 15 figs., BMP 2, elite, rifled muskets two regts., 20 figs., BMP 3, average, one with rifled muskets, one with poor RMs THIRD DIVISION(-); Brigadier General Samuel Crawford(not present) three regts., 25 figures each, BMP 3, average, rifled muskets CONFEDERATEELEMENTS: ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIAMajor General Henry Heth (ben 1) ELEMENTS THIRD ARMY CORPSMajor General Cadmus Wilcox (ben 1) LIGHT DIVISION Wilcox
LANE'S NORTH CAROLINA BRIGADE; Brigadier General James Lane(ben 2) one bn., 10 figs., BMP 2, sharpshooters(+2 fire ben.), rifled muskets one regt., 15 figs., BMP 2, elite, rifled muskets three regts., 20 fig. average, BMP 2, elite, rifled muskets HETH'S DIVISION Brigadier General James J. Archer(ben 1)
MACRAE'S NORTH CAROLINA BRIGADE; Brigadier General William MacRae(ben 1) one regt., 25 figs., BMP 2, elite, rifled muskets one regt., 20 figs., BMP 2, elite, rifled muskets two regts., 15 fig. average, BMP 2, elite, rifled muskets PEGRAM'S ARTILLERY BATTALION; Lt. Colonel William Johnson Pegram(ben 2 arty ben 1 inf) three two section batteries rated elite and armed with Napoleons HAMPTON'S CAVALRY CORPS(-)Major General Wade Hampton(ben 2) THIRD CAVALRY DIVISION Major General W. H. F. Lee(ben 1)
BARRINGER'S BRIGADE; Brigadier General Rufus Barringer(ben 1) same configuration as Chambliss brigade Horse artillery; one two section battery rated elite, armed with 3" rifles UNATTACHED
Strategic Map
Tactical Map
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