by George Anderson
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THE WARGAMEBegins at 3:00 P.M. and ends at 7:45 P.M., due to approaching darkness. Unit losses from this game can be noted for the Federals and carried on to the next scenario. Optional consideration: ammunition requisitions during the period of 1863 and 1864 for the 2nd New York show cartridges required for repeating carbines. However, it is doubtful whether this would apply to the whole regiment at this stage. If you wish to use these weapons, roll a die: 1, 2 = no repeaters; 3, 4 = 10% of regiment armed with repeaters; 5, 6 = 20% of armed with repeaters. The result applies to both scenarios. DEPLOYMENTDeployment is shown on the map. The 2nd and 3rd Virginia Cavalry arrive on the table at point A at 3:45 P.M. For the Federals, the 1st Maine Cavalry arrives at point B at 6:00 P.M. TERRAINWoods and fenced fields are considered broken terrain. Haystacks are present in the field to the right of the Adam farmhouse. Slopes are gentle and are therefore treated as open. Stone walls surround the Furr house. VICTORY CONDITIONSThe Union troopers must capture the ridge on which the Rebels are deployed. ORDERS OF BATTLEUNIONSecond Cavalry DivisionSecond Cavalry Brigade: Brig. General Judson Kilpatrick, average, + 1
4th New York, 400 men, BLC, green 6th Ohio, 300 men, BLC, average Attached
E & G, First U.S., 6 x 12 lb. Napoleons, elite Third Brigade
CONFEDERATEFitz Lee's Cavalry Brigade: Brig. Gen. Thomas T. Munford, superior, +1
2nd Va. 400 men, MLC, elite 3rd Va. 260 men, MLC, elite 4th Va. 640 men, MLC, elite 5th Va. 200 men, MLC, elite Breathed's Va. Battery, 4 x 3" R, average
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