by Dean West
color photos courtesy of Mark Fenlon Minatures
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As the scenario opens at 9:30 a.m., the battle has been developing for several hours. Early that morning, while the Rebel infantry hastened toward Piedmont, Imboden's covering cavalry was defeated north of Piedmont at Mount Meridian, then routed near Bonnie Doon. To gain time, Grumble rushed forward Major Henry Brewer's battalion (constituting the dismounted men of Jones's own cavalry brigade) and some Valley Reserve forces, to hold the Federals in check until his infantry could occupy the defensive position he had selected. Brewer's men performed magnificently, repulsing enemy cavalry thrusts for more than two hours - ample time for the rest of the army to come up.
Meanwhile, Rebel reinforcements are completing their deployment. Imboden's cavalry troopers are recovering their courage well to the rear. COMMENTS ON TERRAIN Careful study of the map will show the terrain to constitute two gentle ridge lines forming a little valley in which runs Crawford's Run (also referred to in the histories as a ravine). No ridge should be more than 2" high, and usually a bit less. The little hill in the wheat field is 1" high and was a very important terrain feature during the historical battle. DEPLOYMENTCONFEDERATE The units of each Confederate brigade can deploy anywhere within 12" of any part of the symbol representing their brigade on the map. (Remember the effect of Brigade Integrity rules). Brewer's battalion and Harper's Reserves are not subject to the Brigade Integrity rules. The Brewer command figure can act as commander of an ad hoc brigade. Imboden's Virginia cavalry regiments cannot move until the Normal Movement phase of Turn 5. Any Confederate regiment, battalions or battery, except those already shown on the map, may deploy hidden (using Hidden Movement Markers). As soon as a maneuver unit of a brigade is revealed, the brigade commander figure must be placed on the tabletop. The grumble Jones command figure must be placed on the tabletop at the beginning of the game. A dismounted unit that stands right behind a rail fence for 1 turn may convert wood fence into Light Works. SPECIAL CONFEDERATE DEPLOYMENT Brewer's Battalion, Davis's Maryland Cavalry Battalion, and Marquis' Battery must deploy where indicated on the map. All other units may deploy within 12" of any portion of its brigade's map symbol. Units should be deployed Hidden, the center of the unit's position represented on the tabletop by a Hidden Movement marker. All hidden units are assumed to be formed in line unless otherwise documented in writing. The Grumble Jones and Brewer command figures must be visible on the tabletop at the beginning of the game. Brigade command figures become visible as soon as any hidden unit of the brigade is revealed. In addition to having a Hidden Movement marker representing each "real" unit, the Confederate players also get 12 Dummy Hidden Movement markers, which should be deployed anywhere on the tabletop outside 12" of any Federal unit. FEDERAL Three regiments of Moor's brigade, as well as Wyncoop's cavalry, are on the tabletop at the beginning of the game exactly where indicated on the map. One battery is also where the artillery symbol appears, but must be limbered. The balance of the Federal army may come onto the tabletop during the Normal Movement phase of Turn 2. The Federals may not use Hidden movement. VICTORY CONDITIONSThe Army of the Shenandoah must decisively defeat the Confederates and force them to retire off the tabletop by the end of the 7:00 p.m. turn. The Confederates must avoid this fate. REINFORCEMENTSThe mounted part of Grumble's own cavalry brigade was enroute to join him before the battle. Had it moved more quickly, it could have been in time for the battle. Thus, before the game starts the Confederate commander rolls 1D6. On a roll of 1 or 2, these additional forces enter on the south end of the table, along the Staunton Road during the Normal Movement Phase of Turn One.
64th VA 8 figs BC 27th & 34rd VA Bns 12 figs BC 36th & 37th VA Bns 8 figs M VARIABLE BASIC MORALEBefore a Confederate unit takes a Morale, Disorder, or Fire at Charge check, its BMP must be assigned according to a roll of 1D6 on the chart below. Units in some brigades consult Table A, others Table B. The appropriate table for each brigade is listed on the OB to the right of the brigade commander's name. Table A
2-4: Veteran 5,6 Green Table B
3-6 Green More Peidmont: June 5, 1864
Brigadier General William E. 'Grumble' Jones Scenario for Johnny Reb Scenario Map and OOB (very slow: 279K) Back to The Zouave Number 53 Table of Contents Back to The Zouave List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 2001 The American Civil War Society This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |