by George Anderson
Photo by Ryan Toews
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The fight in the Cove has the potential to bring about a full-scale action as the dispersed Corps of each army is drawn into a confused and uncontrolled meeting engagement a Western Gettysburg. At the regimental level the following alternatives are available:
2) Hindman attacks alone on the 10th, by the time he was deployed this assault would start between 10 a.m. and noon. 3) As No.2 above, but Cleburne's Division is making its way through Dug Gap, slowed by the need to remove the obstacles, to reinforce Hindman. 4) Hindman assaults with Buckner but Cleburne is still not available on the morning of the lith. 5) The plan comes together and all three Confederate forces strike on time.
There are two ways to play the game. One is a simple wargame set up, the size of the table being extrapolated from the map and the forces allotted to each player given a deployment area or arrival time. The other alternative is to use the map and start the action as Negley enters the Cove on the 9th. If it is possible a player should be available for both Negley and Hindman. Each is fed information available from the narrative above, i.e. as Negley arrives at the Widow Davis Plantation a loyal local informs him that the Rebels are in force on the far side of Pigeon Mountain. Other players could take the roles of Thomas, Reynolds or Baird for the Union and Buckner, Cleburne, Walker or Hill for the Confeder-ates. An umpire would then control the action until both forces managed to get to grips with each other. On such a small scale this should not take long and would give added mean ing to "an afternoon's fighting." The map has two scale bars, one in miles and the other in yards. When transferring the action to the tabletop use the yard bar as 480 yards equals 1 foot. In September, at this latitude, it would begin to get light at around 4:45 a.m., with sunrise following about one hour later. Sunset was at approximately 6 p.m. and full darkness one hour later. The positions of the forces involved for September 9, 10 and 11 is as follows: Sept. 9th Negley's Division around Bailey's Crossroads at dawn, General Thomas arrives at 10 a.m. Elements of S.A.M. Wood's brigade defend Dug Gap, the rest of Cleburne's Division is at the foot of Pigeon Mountain near Dry Creek. Walker's Reserve Corps is off the map, south of Cleburne. No other forces of either side could affect any combat on the 9th. Sept. 10th Negley is arrayed around the Widow Davis Plantation. Bairds' Division arrives with Negley at noon from Steven's Gap. At dawn, Hindman is in the area of the Gowan and Morgan houses having approached from Anderson's. Buckner's Division arrives from the same direction at 4:45 p.m. Cleburne moves into Dug Gap at 1:30 p.m. During the evening Walker moves up to Cleburne's old position on Dry Creek. Sept. 11th Both Negley and Baird are deployed around the Davis Plantation. Turchin's Brigade is at Cooper's Gap at 8 a.m. marching for Negley. Cleburne is deployed around Dug Gap waiting for the sound of Hindman's guns. Walker is behind him still at Dry Creek, but ready to advance. Hindman, with Buckner's men to the fore, is still in the same position as yesterday. TERRAINThe whole area was generally devoid of any vestiges of civilization. The cove was thickly forested apart from fields surrounding the odd, lonely cabin, or the more extensive agriculture on the Davis Plantation. Missionary Ridge was basically a rugged, tree-covered hill rising in parts to 600ft. Although a difficult climb it would not present a problem to a determined enemy. Pigeon Mountain on the other hand was much more precipitous than Missionary Ridge and for most of its length impassable to wheeled transport. The only sure way for an army to cross is at the Gaps. This height too was carpeted with woods. Any tabletop battlefield would naturally include major features as shown on the strategic map, (i.e. Chickamauga Creek, Davis house, etc.) The area would also be heavily wooded, broken by the occasional cabin surrounded by fenced in fields. Hunting trails may also be a feature and need not necessarily lead anywhere in particular. Small streams could also be represented as the region was abundantly fertile. A BIBLIOGRAPHYCIVIL WAR DICTIONARY
UNIONFourteenth Army CorpsMaj. Gen. George H. Thomas, superior, +2
First Division Brig. Gen. Absalom Baird, average, +2
33rd OH 415 men, RM, avg. 94th OH 309 men, SB, avg. 38th IN 410 men, SB, avg. 10th WI 323 men, SB, avg. 1st MI Bty. 6x10lb P, avg. Second Brigade Brig. Gen. John Starkweather, avg., +1
79th PA 445 men, RM, avg. 1st WI 391 men, SB, avg. 21st WI 369 men, SB, avg. 4th IN Bty. 2x12lb N, 2x6lb JR, 2x12lb H, avg. Second Division Maj. Gen. James S. Negley, avg., +2
42nd IN 307 men, SB, avg. 88th IN 235 men, SB, avg. 15th KY 280 men, RM, avg. Bridges' IL Bty. 2x12lb N, US' R, avg. Second Brigade Colonel Timothy Stanley, avg., +1
11th MI 300 men, RM, avg. 18th OH 300 men, RM, avg. M. 1st OH 4x12lb JR, 2x3" R, avg. Third Brigade Colonel. William Sirwell, avg., +1
21 st 0 H 539, RR(p), avg. 74th OH 300 men, RM, avg. 78th PA 300 men, RM, avg. G, 1st OH 4x12lb N, 2x3" R, avg. Fourth Division Brig. Gen. John B. Turchin, superior, +1
36th OH 400 men, RM, average 89th OH 400 men, RM(p), average 92nd OH 300 men, RM(p), average 18th KY 275 men, RM, average ConfederateHindmans Division Maj.. Gen. Thomas C. Hindman, avg., +2
9th MS 300 men, RM, avg. 10th MS 400 men, RM, avg. 41st MS 502 men, SB, avg. 44th MS 272 men, RM, avg. 9th MS Btn. Sharpshooters 200 men, RM, avg. Garrity's AL Bty. 2x12lb N, 2x10lb P, avg. Deas' Brigade Brig. Gen. Zechariah C. Deas, average, +1
22nd AL 371 men, SB, avg. 25th AL 330 men, SB, avg. 39th AL 310 men, RM, avg. 50th AL 300 men, RM, avg. 17th AL Btn. Sharpshooters 200 men, RM, elite Dent's AL Bty. 6x12lb N, avg. Manigualt's Brigade Brig. Gen. Arthur M. Manigault, avg., +1
28th AL 360 men, RM, avg. 34th AL 500 men, SB, avg. 10th & 19th SC 600 men, RM, avg. Waters' Al. Bty. 2x6lb SB, 2x12lb H, avg. Bucknors CorpsMaj.Gen. Simon B. Buckner
Stewart's Division Maj. Gen. Thomas C. Hindman, avg., +2
23rd TN 181 men, SB, avg. 25th TN 145 men, SB(p) avg. 44th TN 294 men, SB, vet Bate's Brigade Brig. Gen. William B. Bate, avg., +1
37th Ga. 423 men, RM, avg. 15th & 37th TN 230 men, SB, avg. 20th TN 183 men, SB(p), avg. 4th GA Btn. Sharpshooters 200 men, RM, avg. Brown's Brigade Brig. Gen. John C. Brown, avg., +1
26th TN 229 men, RM(p), avg. 32nd TN 361 men, SB(p), avg. 45th TN 265 men, RM, avg. 23rd TN Btn. 155 men, RM, avg. Clayton's Brigade Brig. Gen. Henry 0. Clayton, avg., +1
36th AL 429 men, RM, green 38th AL 490 men, RM, avg. Artillery
Dawson's GA Bty. 2x12lb N, 2x12lb H, avg. Eufaula AL Art. 4 x 3" R, avg. Co. E, 9th GA Art. 3x 12lb. Preston's Division Brig. Gen. William Preston, avg., +1
1st AL Btn. Hilliard's Leg. 260 men, RM, avg. 2nd AL Btn. Hilliard's Leg. 230 men, RM, avg. 3rd AL Btn. Hilliard's Leg. 229 men, RM, avg. 4th AL Btn. Hilliard's Leg. 205 men, RM, avg. 63rd TN 402 men, RM, avg. Third Brigade Col. John H. Kelly, avg., +1
5th KY 400 men, RM, avg. 58th NC 300 men, RM, avg. 63rd VA 400 men, RM, avg. Trigg's Brigade Col. Robert C. Trigg, avg., +1
6th FL 300 men, RM, green 7th FL 300 men, RM, green 54th VA men, RM, avg. Artillery
Peeples' GA Bty. 2x12lb N, 2x12lb H, avg. Wolihin's GA Bty. Reserve CorpsMaj. Gen. William H.T. Walker, v, +2Walker's Division Brig. Gen. States R. Gist, avg., +1
16th SC 300 men, RM, avg. 24th SC 400 men, RM, avg. 8th GA Btn. 300 men, RM, avg. Ector's Brigade Brig. Gen. Matthew D. Ector, avg., +1
10th TX Cav. (dsmtd) 14th TX Cav. (dsmtd), 32nd TX Cav. (dsmtd), Pound's MS Btn. Sharpshooters, Stones AL Btn. Sharpshooters 500 men, RM, avg. Wilson's Brigade Col. Claudius C. Wilson, avg., +1
29th GA 300 men, RM, avg. 30th GA 300 men, RM, avg. 1st GA Btn. Sharpshooters 200 men, 4th LA Btn. 200 men, RM, avg. Artillery
Howell's GA Bty. Hill's CorpsLieut. Gen. Daniel H. Hill, avg., +2Cleburne's Division Maj. Gen. Patrick R. Cleburne, superior, +2
16th AL 414 men, RM, elite 33rd AL 470 men, RM, elite 45th AL 480 men, RM, elite 32nd & 45th MS 600 men, RM, elite 19th AL Btn. 200 men, RM, elite 15th. MS Btn. Sharpshooters 100 men, RM, elite Polk's Brigade Brig. Gen. Lucius E. Polk, avg., +1
3rd & 5th Conf. 400 men, RM, elite 2nd TN 264 men, RM, avg. 35th TN 215 men, RM, avg. 48th TN 150 men, RM, avg. Deshler's Brigade Brig. Gen. James Deshler, avg., +1
6th & 10th TX & 15th TX Cav. (dsmtd) 400 men, RM, elite 17th, 18th, 24th & 25th TX Cav. (dsmtd) 767 man, RM, elite Artillery
Douglas' TX Bty. Semple's AL Bty. Map
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