Talking Wargaming

Answers to
Military Quiz of the Month

by Donald Featherstone


1. What was the first recorded battle in History?
2. What was a CORVUS?
3. Who were the opposing commanders in the Teutoberg Forest, in 9 A.D?
4. Who fought whom at Sempach, on 9 July 1386?
5. Dates of Battles of:

    a. Stamford Bridge
    b. Tewkesbury
    c. Lutzen
    d. Aboukir
    e. Sadowa


1. Megiddo 1469 BC.
2. A combined grappling device and boarding bridge used in naval warfare during the Punic Wars.
3. Varus (Roman) Arminius (German).
4. 1,600 Swiss pikemen defeated 6,000 dismounted Austrian cavalry.

    a) 25 September 1066;
    b) 4 May 1471;
    c) 16 November 1632;
    d) 25 July 1799
    e) 3 July 1866

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© Copyright 1979 by Donald Featherstone.
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