Infantry Weapons of the World

Book Review

by Donald Featherstone

by Christopher F.Foss and T.J.Gander.(8 3/4" X 5 3/4" 136 pages; 1 or 2 photographs per page. Ian Allan Ltd - £ 5.95p).

This is the second edition and an up-dated version of its predecessor with many new photographs that cover all the main infantry weapons used today, together with a selection of weapons under development. The authors need no recommendation and their quite incredible researches and details will not only be invaluable to the wargamer in the Modern scene but also provide spine-chilling although informative reading for the rest of us. One obvious fact emerges from these pages that any standardisation of weapons; and ammunition within NATO is a pure vision whilst the Warsaw Pact nations have a calibre standardisation that is well advanced and the weapon standardisation a distinct possibility, with Soviet infantry weapons showing a general simplicity and ease of use that is often absent among Western designs. A beautiful and definitive book.

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© Copyright 1979 by Donald Featherstone.
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