The Battle of Blenheim

Book Review

by Don Featherstone

by Peter Verney (8 X 5 1/2"; 192 pages; 15 photographs; 8 maps. B. T. Batsford Ltd. - £ 5.50p).

Although this relatively slim volume seems rather highly priced, it is a well written account of the events leading up to the Battle of Blenheim. With the aid of the maps it is possible to follow the fairly complex manoeuvres of the armies involved and the admiration one feels for Marlborough, undoubtedly Britain's greatest soldier could be claimed to make it good value for the money! Read alongside David Chandler's "THE ART OF WARFARE IN THE AGE OF MARLBOROUGH" (also published by Batsford) the wargamer would find himself in possession of more than he requires to authentically and realistically fight battles in the style of the 18th century. There are many among us, including no lesser authorities than Brigadier Peter Young and David Chandler, who believe Marlburian campaigns and the Seven Years War lend themsleves more realistically to table-top wargaming activities than any other period. Certainly it is colourful and the soldiers were real professionals if only by dint of ruthless discipline. If you have wargaming interests in the 18th century then you must read this book, if you wish to know more about a colourful and-glorious period in British History (it was at the Schellenberg that British Infantry first began to achieve their Continental fame) then again, this is for you.

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© Copyright 1976 by Donald Featherstone.
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