Panzer Colors

Book Review

by Don Featherstone

PANZER COLORS - Camouflage of the German Panzer Forces 1939-1945 by Bruce Culver and Bill Murphy, illustrated by Don Greer. (Soft covers; 10" x 8 1/2"; 95 pages; 2 or 3 photographs to a page plus full colour pages at intervals. Squadron/signal Publications (obtainable from Hersants Bookshop in London - $6.95 .

I never cease to wonder at the remarkable way in which the authors of this series manage to I their hands on so many quite brilliant and unfamiliar photographs to illustrate them. This book is packed throughout with photographs of tanks and vehicles, some actually in action, with close-ups guns, mechanical and technical. details and with the men themselves. Of course, the purpose of the book is to explain the camouflage of German tanks throughout World War II, a task which it admirably performs and there can be no excuse whatsoever for any World War II wargamer having his German vehicles wrongly painted. Although I saw many of these vehicles at close hand during the war (mostly captured thank goodness) and my own Regiment were in the Brigade which knocked-out the very first Tiger Tank, I can truthfully say that I had no idea that there were so many different camouflage colour schemes nor that so much trouble was taken although, when once one has been on the receiving end of an air attack for example, camouflage suddenly becomes very important!

Book Reviews

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