Tank Battles in Miniature

Book Review

Reviewed by Keith Robinson

A Wargamers' Guide to the Western Desert Campaign 1940-1942
By Donald F. Featherstone 8 3/4 x 5 1/2"; 156p., 17 photographs; 24 maps and diagrams; Patrick Stephens - £ 2.80p

Personally inscribed and autographed copies from Wargamer's Newsletter £ 3.00p).

Why wasn't this book available two years a go when I wrote my microtank rules, it would have a saved me a lot of work. According to the 'blurb' on the cover "This is a definitive book .... it contains a detailed history of the Western Desert Campaign, together with precise information on the tanks, guns and aircraft used; and gives numerous suggestions for realistically reproducing the battles on the table-top."

The 'blurb' doesn't do the book full justice, the contents also include a detailed description of "what it was really like", a chronological list and brief description of the battles, a section gives the dates the various vehicle types became available and the numbers of troops and vehicles available to each force. Further chapters cover the tactics of both sides, the terrain, navigations (yes navigation), visibility, communications, supply, minefields and tank recovery. There are appendices on armour penetration, game aid devices, availability of models and figures and an extremely useful bibliography.

The fact that Don Featherstone was there in the Royal Tank Regiment, shows that a few of our rules writers and pundits are ancient or at least mediaeval! One can argue with the penetration tables and armour thicknesses depending on which reference you use but Don's information is remarkably similar to mine, perhaps we used the same references. At least, unlike many other books, the ammunition used and the angle of impact are defined in the penetration table. If you are at all interested in armoured wargaming buy this book.

Ron Miles, many times Finalist and Winner of World War II National Wargames Championships, says of this book:

    "It is very difficult to write something that will describe a book as good as this, which hasn't been, or will be, said about it!! But here goes. "Tank Battles In Miniature" is without doubt "THE BOOK" of the year for wargamers, in fact it is "THE BOOK" for several years. Packed with information facts and ideas it should do for the Modern Period what the book "Wargames" did for wargaming as a whole. An absolute must for all bookshelves, be it wargamer, military historian or laymen."

Book Reviews

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© Copyright 1973 by Donald Featherstone.
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