by Rudy Scott Nelson
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This article contains optional armies for use with the popular ancient rules “De Bellis Antiquitatis” published by Barker and Scott ((WRG). The published list # III/68 Western Sudanese covers 1000AD-1591AD. It allows 1 x 3Kn or 3Bld (Gen), 2 x 3Cv or 2LH, 2 x 3Bw, 5 x 3Bw or 5 x 3Ax, 1 x 2Ps, 1 x 3Ax or 3Bld or 4Sp. This can be considered a flexible list and as such will come closer to representing several of the region’s countries. In many cases I attempted to use the authorized list as a guideline but I have also included my version if the numbers and my research can not agree. Troop Types First I will review the troop types according to the rules. LH- Light Horse who used skirmishing tactics Cavalry- Most horsemen who used javelins, bows with a sword or lance Knights- Armed with mainly lance and primarily charged without the initial use of organic missile fire to soften the target. Camelry- Troops mounted on camels who fought at close quarters while still mounted. Spears- Troops armed with spears and fighting in a coordinated shield wall. Blades- Troops armed with heavy cutting weapons or impact weapons often equipped with better armor and shields. Bows- Close or large bodies of archers who relied on effective bow fire but could also defend with light spears and swords. Auxilia- Large bodies of troops who were flexible enough to fight in rough terrain but vulnerable in open terrain. May also be doubled armed with a close combat weapon and a distance weapon (DBM) Warband- Large formation of troops who were not trained in regular drill and relied on Mass and initial impact to win. Hordes- Untrained and forced levies of troops who were poorly equipped. Psiloi- Small groups of warriors armed with distance weapons who fought in open order. GHANA The Army list covers only its years of decline and should cover from 500-1076AD. (Arable) DBA version: 1 x 3KN (G), 2 x 3Cv, 1 x Ps, 2 x 3Bw, 5 x 3Bw, 1 x 3Ax My version requires an Early and an Imperial list Early Ghana 500-800AD: 1 x 3Cv (G), (Inferior horses) 2 x 2LH, 2 x 3Bw, 2 x Ps,(Subject tribes) 3 x 4Wb or 3Ax, (Lower class) 1 x 3/4Bld or 3Ax or 3Bw, (Allies) 1 x 2Ps or 2LH or 3Cv Imperial Ghana 800-1076: 1 x 3Cv (G), (Regular Core) 3 x 3Cv, (Regular core) 3 x 3Bw, 1 x 2Ps, 1 x 3Bld, (local Allies) 1 x 3Bld or 2LH or 3Cv, (Feudal levy) 2 x 3Ax or 2Ps or 3/4Wb or 7Wb Note: SUSO and MALINKE/Pre-empire Mali Armies can use this list. MALI (littorial) Ag4
DBA version: 1 x 3Kn, 2 x 3Cv, 2 x 3Bw, 5 x 3Bw (Imp) or 3Ax (Later), 1 x 2Ps, 1 x 4Sp or 3Bld My version requires an Early (see Ghana list), an Imperial and a Later list: Imperial Mali 1230-1400: 1 x 3Kn (G), 3 x 3Kn, 3 x 3Bw, (Well armored spear) 2 x 3Bld or 4Sp, 1 x 2Ps, (Levies) 2 x 2Ps or 3Cv or 3Ax or 3/4Wb Later Mali 1400-1600 represents the state in decline: 1 x 3Kn (G), 1 x 3Kn, 2 x 4Sp or 3Bw, 2 x 2Ps, 4 x 3Ax, 2 x 2Cv or 2LH or 4Wb or 2Ps SONGHAI 1450-1581 (Littoral) Ag4
DBA version: 1 x 3Kn (G), 2 x 3Cv, 7 x 3Bw, 1 x 2Ps, 1 x 3Bld My version: 1 x 3KN (G), 3 x 3Kn, 1 x 2LH, 2 x 2Ps or 4Sp , 4 x 3BW, 1 x 2LH or 3Kn or 3Bld or 3Ax Mossi, Dogon, the early Fulani and other minor tribes.
DBA version: 1 x 3Bld (G), 2 x 2LH, 2 x 3BW, 5 x 3Ax, 1 x 2Ps, 1 x 3Ax or 3Bld. My Versions: DOGON (Noted for fortified mountain strongholds). (Hilly), Ag 1 : 1 x 3Bld (G), (Elites) 1 x 3Bld or 2LH, 2 x 3Bw, 3 x 2Ps, 3 x 3Ax, 2 x 2Ps or 3Ax Mossi Confederation (Woods) , Ag 2 : 1 x 3Bld or 3Cv (G), 1 x 3Bld or 3Cv, 3 x 3Bw, 3 x 3Ax or 3Wb, 2 x 2Ps, 2 x 4Sp or 3Wb or 2LH or 2Ps. Blades and Cavalry can not be used together. Early Fulani and other independent river tribes who were often the targets of slave raids. (Steppe or Woods), Ag 1: 1 x 3Bld or 3Wb (G), 4 x 2Ps, 2 x 3Bw, 4 x 3Ax or 3Wb, 1 x 2Ps or 3Ax or 3Wb or 2LH Takur or Wolof: (Littorial Senegal River valley) Ag 1 : 1 x 3Cv (G), 2 x 4Sp, 2 x 3Bw, 4 x 3Wb or 3Ax, (Elites) 1 x 3Bld or 3Cv, 2 x 2Ps KANEM-BORNU
DBA version: 1 x 3Kn (G), 2 x 3Cv, 7 x 3Bw, 1 x 2Ps, 1 x 3Ax or 3Bld My army lists are based on four eras. Early Sayfawa covers the still nomadic Kanembu and Bulala, Kanem is the early era when they lost many battles. Early Bornu is when they were at the height of their power. Later Bornu is after the 1571 reorganization. (Littoral = Lake Chad), Ag 4. Early Sayfawa 800-1100AD (Steppe or Littorial) Ag 2 : 1 x 2LH or 3Bld (G), 4 x 3Ax or 3Wb, 3 x 2Ps, 1 x 3Bw, 1 x 3Bld or 2LH, 2 x 4Sp or 3Bw or 3Wb (Must chose either LH or Bld, not one each. Spear can only be used if the enemy can have Cv or Kn troop types) Kanem 1100-1350 : 1 x 3Cv or 3Bld (G), 2 x 4Sp or 3Ax, 2 x 3Bw, 1 x 2Ps, 1 x 2LH or 2Ps, 2 x 3Cv or 3Bld, 3 x 3Ax or 3Wb Early Bornu 1350-1570: 1 x 3Kn (G), 2 x 3Kn, 2 x 3Cv or 2LH or 3Cm (noted alliance/training to fight desert tribes), 3 x 3Bw, 2 x 4Sp or 3Bld, (Feudal levies) 2 x 2Ps or 7Horde or 3Wb or 3Ax Later Bornu Post-1571 : 1 x 3Kn (G), 2 x 3Kn, (Chainmail elites) 2 x 3Bld, Feudal Levies/ subjects) 2 x 2Ps, 2 x 3Ax or 3Wb, (I am not sure how to rate the firearm trained troops of this period. Maybe treat them as bow in all respects except for the combat effect results section which would be Artillery.) 3 x 2/4Bw (guns) Bulala:
DBA version : 1 x 3Kn (G), 2 x 3Cv, 7 x 3Bw, 1 x 2Ps, 1 x 3Bld My Version: (Littorial) Ag 3 Migratory Bulala 800-1100AD See Early Sayfawa list. Early Bulala 1100-1300: 1 x 3Cv or 3Bld (G), 2 x 3Bld or 4Sp, 2 x 2Ps, 2 x 3Bw, 3 x 3Wb or 3Ax , (Desert Allies) 2 x 3Cv or 3Cm or 2LH or 3Ax Later Bulala 1300-1600: 1 x 3Kn (G), 2 x 3Cv, 3 x 3Bw, 1 x 2Ps, 1 x 3Bld, 2 x 3Bld or 4Sp, , ( Local Allies) 2 x 2LH or 3Ax or 3Wb OR (Desert Allies) 1 x 2LH + 1 x 3Cv or 3Cm Hausa City States 900-1500 :
DBA version :1 x 3Kn (G), 2 x 3Bw, 5 x 3Ax, 2 x 3Cv, 1 x 4Sp or 3Bd, 1 x 2Ps My Version. (Arable) Ag 3: Early Hausa 900-1400: 1 x 3Kn (G), 2 x 3Cv, 2 x 4Sp, 1 x 2Ps, 2 x 3Bw, 2 x 3Wb or 3Ax, 2 x 3Bw or 2LH or 3Ax or 2Ps Later Hausa 1400-1600: 1 x 3Kn (G), 2 x 3Kn, (Armored) 2 x 3Bld, 2 x 4Sp, 1 x 2Ps, 2 x 3Bw, (Raiders North 2 x 3Cv or 2LH OR South 2 x 3Ax or 2Ps) Back to Time Portal Passages Summer 2002 Table of Contents Back to Time Portal Passages List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2002 by Rudy Scott Nelson This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |