by Rudy Scott Nelson
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R.S. = Red Stick Anti-American faction
Jan 1802: Fort San Marcos Spanish vs a mixed force of Red Stick Creeks, Seminoles, Free Blacks, Pro-British whites, pirates and Spanish Deserters under the Free State of Muskogee banner. The Spanish post to galleys in the river near the fort whose cannon provides flanking fire on the advancing attackers. After several hours of intense combat the attackers are routed. PATRIOT WAR (South Georgia and North Florida) Starting just before the War of 1812, Americans from Georgia occupied and took over the town of Fernandina in an attempt to take Florida from Spain. They failed in their attempt, and had to negotiate peace with the Spanish in 1815. The Americans launched raids against the Seminoles in the Alachua area from here. 12 Apr 1812 Fort Mousa. Negro fugitives + a few Seminoles occupy a Spanish fort and begin to raid Spanish, American and even some Seminole/Creek neighbors. Georgia militia + Seminoles under Col Smith capture the Fort after an extended battle. 9 SEP 1812 Battle of PICOLATA. 250 GA Miltia vs Seminoles 12 SEP 1812 TWELVE MILE SWAMP. Seminoles + Free Negroes vs US supply train under Cpt Williams. Loss of the supplies caused the US to lift their seige of St Augustine 27-28 SEP 1812 Battle of Newman's lake. 117 GA miltia under Col Newman vs 75 Seminoles under King Payne whose force is reinforced overnight by other Negroes and Seminoles. 29 SEP-4 OCT 1812. Newmans forces is besieged at a fortified camp by King Payne's force. 5 Oct 1812 Newman's force attempts a breakout and ambushed during the force march. The remaining troops retreat to Georgia. FLORIDA WAR 7-9 FEB 1813 East Tenn Vol under Smith & Williams skirmish Seminole warriors 10 & 12 FEB East Tenn Vol under Smith and Williams assault Seminole warriors in fortified hammock base camps MUSKOGEAN CIVIL WAR & FIRST CREEK WAR 1813-14 I have listed many events of the various wars which could easily be recreated by gamers as a scenario. I have not listed every single murder (conducted by either side) nor has every ambush or skirmish conducted during the Seminole Wars been listed. Some skirmishes were actually just sniping by Seminoles/Creeks or nervous soldiers firing at shadows. 27 July 1813 BRUNT CORN CREEK. 100 R.S. Creeks returning from a supply run to Pensacola and are ambushed by 180 US vol + W.S. Creeks. The R.S.Creeks are victorious but use up most of the vital supplies which they had went to Florida to get. 30 AUG 1813. Fort Mims. A garrison of 120 Mississippi Militia + 200-300 negroes, mixed bloods and W.S. Creeks are overwelmed by about 750 R.S. Creeks SEP-OCT 1813 Raids and ambushes by both sides of the Creek Civil War OCT 1813 Coweta Siege. 20-40 W.S. under Big Warrior are besieged by 150 Uchee R.S. OCT 1813 BASHI Skirmish. A Mounted US patrol of 26 men under McGrew are ambushed by 30-50 R.S. Creeks. 3 NOV 1813. TALLUSSAHATCHEE. A major R.S. Creek town (near Jacksonville AL) of 150 warriors is destroyed by 900 Tenn Mtd Vol under Coffee. Most survivors are massacred. 5 NOV 1813 A small mounted US patrol is ambushed by R.S.Creeks. ? 6 NOV 1813 LITTAFUCHEE (St Clair County). Jackson's troops assault and burn a R.S. town. 9 NOV 1813 TALLADEGA. A major W.S. Town with 160-200 warriors has been under siege by 1100 R.S. warriors. A relief force (1200 foot + 800 cav) under Gen Jackson moves to relieve the town. A major battle occurs but the encircled R.S. manage to escape through a gap forced in the American lines. 10-20 NOV 1813 HILLABEE TOWNS. The Cherokee element (100+) of Jackson's command conduct a search and destroy operation on a parallel route into Clay County to attack the hostile Hillabee Towns. The Hillabee agree to terms after the relief of Talladega. ??? DEC 1813 HILLABEE MASSACRE. A detachment of Tennessee volunteers from Talladega march 20 miles and massacre a peaceful, now friendly, Hillabee Town near modern Millerville AL. Jackson reports that the command was drunk and not under orders depite other reports to the contrary. Personally I find it hard to believe that the men walked or rode 20 miles and still remained drunk. 12 NOV 1813 CANOE FIGHT. Dale with 3 American scouts vs 9 R.S. Creeks. The battle occurs in canoes on a river while troops from both sides watched. The Americans won. 29 NOV 1813 BATTLE of AUTOSEE. The Georgia expedition under Floyd locate several R.S. Creek towns (near ) The GA expedition included 950 militia + 400 Tookabatchee W.S. allies vs 500+ R.S. warriors under Mad Dog, Old Tallassee Mico and Autosee Mico. The encirclement fails but 200 R.S. Creeks are killed. 23 DEC 1813 BATTLE of HOLY GROUND (near Selma AL) . The major Upper Creek religious and supply center defended by 400+ R.S Creeks under Red Eagle is attacked and destroyed by 1000 Mississippi troops + 150 Choctaw. While only 33 defenders were killed, the R.S. lost both substantial supplies and spiritual confidence. ???1814 Fort Sinquefield. A homestead fort defended by 26 miltia + 10 W.S. vs 125 R.S. under Prophet Francis. R.S. withdraw after a 2 hour battle. 22 JAN 1814. EMUCKFAU Creek (Near Alexander City ) In a search and destroy mission, 900 Tenn Militia + 200 Cherokee and W.S Creeks encounter 500 R.S. warriors. The early morning R.S. assault lasts all day with the Americans withdrawing. Considered a major Red Stick victory. 24 JAN ENTACHOPCO Creek (near Alexander City AL) In a search and destroy mission, 900 Tenn Militia + 200 Cherokee and W.S Creeks encounter 500 R.S. warriors. The R.S. assault lasts all day with some of the Americans routing. 27 JAN 1814 CALABEE Valley/creek (near Tuskegee AL) The Georgia expedition under Floyd includes 1700 militia + 400 Tookabatchee W.S. vs 500+ R.S. warriors under Weatherford, High head Jim, Paddy Welsh and McGillivary. The R.S. ambush is repelled but the expedition is forced to retreat. 27 MAR 1814 TAHOPEKA (AKA Horseshoe bend) (near DadevilleAL). The last major battle of the First Creek War. A major fortified R.S.Creek supply base defended by 1100 warriors is assaulted by the Tenn force under Jackson and Coffee. The Tenn force includes the US 39th Inf Rgt + Tenn Militia + 200 Tenn spies/scouts + Cherokees + W.S. Creeks. The defeat results in R.S. leaders surrendering or fleeing to Florida. Nov 1814 Jackson sends Maj Blue into FLA w/ 1000 men including W.S. Creeks, Choctaw & Chickasaw. Objective is to locate & destroy fugitive R.S. Creek groups. NOV 1814 ESCAMBIA River Raid. Blue's Expedition engaged in Several skirmishes with R.S. & Seminole warparities along the Escambia River. Climaxes with an assault on a R.S. Creek town. 20 R.S are killed and 100+ are enslaved. DEC 1814 GARCON POINT. US troops skirmish R.S. Creeks near Pensacola. 23 DEC 1814. Battle of GUM CREEK HILL. Located on the Yellow River. Major Creek/Seminole Town is assaulted by Blue's Force. 30 R.S. are killed including Alabama Mico plus 75 warriors are captured. FIRST SEMINOLE WAR 1817-18 (or Jackson's Florida Expedition) 26 July 1816 NEGRO FORT. A well positioned fort with a swamp in the rear and a cliff front along a river is occuppied by Maroons both Free and Slave runaways (200) + Seminoles (20) + Choctaws (20) with 4 x 24pdr, 4 x 6pdr, 1 x 4pdr guns and 1 5" howitzer. American troops (~100) assault with 2 gunboats, 2 x 18pdr guns and 1 howitzer + 150 W.S. Creeks. The fort falls when its magazine explodes. 27 JUL 1816 FT APALACHICOLA. Major Seminole fortified town is destroyed by GA miltia. 1817 The entire year contains numerous raids and ambushes between Seminole warroiors and American GA settlers/ militia 21 Nov 1817 FOWLTOWN. 100+ Creeks vs US regular troops (250). Minor skirmish. 30 Nov 1817 Apalachicola River. US troops (40) under Lt Scott are ambushed by Seminoles (60) while traveling down a river in boats. All but six soldiers are killed. 1 April 1818 US Troops skirmish Creeks/Seminoles near Miccosukee. 3 April 1818 W.S Creeks (1500) skirmish Seminoles near FowlTown. Fowltown is burned. 12 April 1818 ECONFANAH. The W.S. Creek regiment (500) + Tennessee mounted scouts (50) attack a Seminole Town defended by 200+ warriors 16 April 1818 The W.S. Creek regiment assaults the main camp of Billy Bowlegs. The Seminoles withdraw and the battle being a rearguard action by 50 warriors including Maroons. THIRD or SECOND CREEK WAR 26 January 1836 , Battle of HITCHITY. Ga. Militia (40-50) vs Creek (40) warriors crossing the Chattahoochee river near Bryant's Ferry (Stewart Cty Ga). The Creeks defend their position on a bluff and force the miltia to retreat. 15 May 1836, BURNING OF ROANOKE GA. The town of Roanoke Ga is attacked by Creek (200-300) under Jim Henry. The town's militia was taken by complete surprise and overwelmed. The Creeks burned and plundered buildings plus nearby plantations . Finally a larger militia force arrived to force the Creeks to retreat. 22 May 1836. Creeks attack the town of Irwinton, (Eufaula.) AL. They are repulsed 9 June 1836, The Battle of Shepherd's Plantation A Ga militia force (40) under Cpt Garmany is lured into an ambush near the Shepherd plantation in Stewart County, Ga . The Creeks (200) are distracted by a mounted relief force (30) under Maj Jernigan which allows survivors and the relief force to retreat to a nearby fort. 9 June 1836. Creeks attack the steamboat Metamora on the Chattahoochee River, carrying Georgia militia troops, ( about 20 miles south of Columbus, Ga). 22 June- 22 October 1836. Columbia Cty Florida Militia conducts a campaign against the Creeks in the Okefenokee Swamp area. 3 July 1836, The Battle of CHICKASAWHACHEE SWAMP. Georgia militia locate and attack a Creek town buil on an island in a swamp in Baker County, Ga. The Creeks are defeated. . 10 July 1836 , Battle of BRUSHY CREEK. Georgia militia attack Creeks bands retreating into Florida. Initially the Creek outnumber and press hard the militia, but miltia reinforcements arrive and the Creeks retreat into the swamp. 10 July 1836, Ga militia patrol skirmishes Creeks along the Alapaha River in Georgia. 24 July 1836, Maj Jernigan's Ga miltia command (60) skirmish Creeks near Wesley Chapel in Stewart County, Ga. The Creeks force the miltia to retreat. 25 July 1836, Battle of NOCHAWAY. Major Jernigan Ga miltia (60?) command pursues the Creeks (100+) and engage them in a fierce fight in the Nochaway Creek Swamp. The soldiers are forced to withdraw. 27 July 1836, Maj Jernigan's reinforced command of Georgia militia re-engage the Creeks in the swamp of Nochaway Creek. A pincher attack results in bitter combat at the hammock position with the Creeks finally withdrawing. 27 August 1836, Battle of COW CREEK. Georgia militia forces find and attack Creeks who are heading into the Okefenokee Swamp. Aug 1836- July 1837. Florida, Georgia and Alabama militia commands conduct search and destroy missions into remote areas of Georgia. There are a few skirmishes with small ill-armed groups. Most efforts to capture renegade Creeks by local militia forces proved unsuccessful. The swamps and dense forests were too difficult for the militia to be effective , plus any village had ample warning to flee. They also attempted to prevent the Creeks from reaching Seminole allies. 3 February 1837. Alabama Militia skirmish Creek near Cowikee Creek, SE AL. ?? February 1837. Creek skirmish Alabama Militia along Pea River at Hobdy Bridge Al. 25 March 1837, Battle of HOBDY BRIDGE. Alabama Miltia (100+)locate and assault a Creek(200+) town in the swamp along the Pea River near Hobdy Bridge Al.. The bitter battle with frequent hand-to-hand contests lasts for almost four hours with heavy casualties on both sides. The miltia capture the camp. This would be the last battle in Georgia and Alabama but more actions occur in the Panhandle region of Florida. February-March 1837. Creeks attack and burn several homesteads in areas of Florida which they control. These sites were viewed as being able to track Creek activities in the area, 24 April 1837, Creek warriors attack local citizens (5) searching for Cattle. A local militia force was formed and pursued the raiders. 29 April 1837, The battle of BATTLE CREEK. Florida militia fought the Creeks from the 24 April incident and captured or killed all the Creek warriors. Those captured were shipped west. 19-24 May 1837, The battle of BATTLE BAY. FL militia cornered the main Creek tribe near the Choctawhatchee River. The hard fought battle caused many casualties on both sides. Finally, the surrounded Creeks surrendered, and sent them to Pensacola to be shipped west. The Creeks control over much of Walton County was broken. . 23 May 1837, FL militia massacre 12 Creeks on Alaqua Creek (Walton County). 4 July 1837, Col. Brown's Jackson County FL militia (50-60) engage Creeks (100) on the Shoal River. (Okaloosa County) The Creeks retreated. 19 July 1837. Col Brown's FL militia attack Creeks on Alaqua Creek . 27 January 1838, Creeks attack a barge on the Choctawhatchee River. ?? August 1842. Both the Creek and Seminole War were declared over but killings continued. Creeks killed the Perkins family near Orange Hill (Washington County). 28 November 1842, the local FL militia massacre a peaceful Creek village (22) on Wrights Creek (Holmes County). No prisoners were taken. 1840s-1850s, Creeks continued to raid/rob and ambush/murder in the panhandle area with the expected white retaliation and then Creek retaliation which created a sad continuous cycle. SECOND SEMINOLE WAR 19 Jun 1835, HICKORY SINK. Settlers abuse Seminoles hunting off the reservation. War Cause. 17 Dec 1835. Seminoles raid Simmons and Priest plantations near micanopy in Alachua county. 18 Dec 1835, BLACK POND. Seminoles (80) under Osceola ambushes a supply train escorted by Cpt McLemore with 30 mounted Florida militia. The miltia is defeated. 24 Dec 1835, ALACHUA HAMMOCK. A USA supply wagon train (60 guards) is ambushed by Seminoles (80). The Americans quickly assume defensive positions in the hammock 28 Dec, FORT KING. Seminoles (20) under Osceola? attack the garrison (46 militia) 28 Dec 1835, WAHOO SWAMP. Aka Dade's Massacre. US regular troops (108) + 1 6pdr gun under Maj Dade are marching to a fort are ambushed by Seminoles (180+) under Jumper. 31 Dec 1835 FIRST BATTLE OF WITHLACOOCHEE. A bitter battle between the Seminoles (250 + 30 Maroons) under Osceola, and Alligator vs six companies of US regulars (250) + Mounted Florida volunteers (500). The Seminoles defend a river crossing against the USA. ?? Jan 1836 ANDERSON PLANTATION. The St Augustine Guards (60-100) a militia company is routed by a Seminole (120) raiding party. 9 Jan 1836. USA patrol of 2nd Dragoons is ambushed near Micanopy with a few casualties 27-29 Feb 1836. SECOND BATTLE OF WITHLACOOCHEE. Gen Gaines command (980 Louisiana and Florida volunteers + 1 6pdr gun) attempts to cross the Withlacoochee river by boat rather than using the well guarded ford crossing. The Seminoles (100) under Osceola, Alligator and Jumper repulse the crossing and encircle the Americans 1-9 Mar 1836. The surrounded command of Gen Gaines is forced to build a protective log breastwork, called Ft Izard. The force is besieged for nine days with the Seminoles withdrawing after American reinforcements arrive. 22 Mar 1836. Gen Eustis (1400/ SC Mtd Vol + SC foot Vol + 4 Co of US Artillery--redlegs) are ambushed by Seminoles as they march along the St John's River . 27 Apr 1836. Col Chisolm command (600 men, 4th US Inf + Alabam Rgt vol) is attacked while encamped at a temporary site , Ft Alabama. 20 Apr 1836. A rare Seminole night attack on Fort Drane in NW Marion county. 20 May 1836. USA patrol of 2nd Dragoons is ambushed with a few casualties 9 Jun 1836. Maj Heilman's command is attacked at Ft Defiance near Micanopy. 9 July 1836. FORT DEFIANCE. Seminoles who have surrounded the outpost for weeks launch a serious assault on the fort. A well planned defense by the garrison repulses the assault. 18 July 1836. Patrols from Ft Drane are ambushed with a few USA casualties. 19 July 1836, BATTLE OF WELIKA POND. The withdrawing USA garrison from Ft Drane is surrounded near Micanopy. They are saved by a releiving force from Ft Defiance. 20 July 1836. Seminoles under Osceola occupy abandoned Ft Drane and use it as a headquarters. 21 Aug 1836. US troops (110 men w/ 1/2 mounted on draft horses + 1 6pdr gun) from Ft Defiance assault the Seminoles at Ft Drane. The initial mounted horse charge scatters the Seminoles. The Seminoles retreat into the swamp rather than get penned at the fort. 18 Sep 1836, BATTLE OF SAN FELASCO HAMMOCK. Seminoles (200+) ambush a Florida militia (110 men + 6pdr) command. After both sides had suffered heavy losses, the artillery eventually force the Seminoles to withdraw. Dec 1836. Gen Jesup (Tenn Bde + Ala Bde + Creek Bde + Marines + Regulars) burn a predominately Maroon camp on the Oklawaha. Jan 1837. Gen Jesup leads a search and destroy expedition of the Withlacoochee area. The command includes 450 regulars + 350 Alabama Bde + 700 Creek Rgt + 250 Marines Bn. It is later reinforced by 200 mounted Georgia volunteers and elements of the Army's 6th regiment 10 Jan 1837. Gen Jesup's command skirmishes with a small party under Osceola without effect. 17 Jan 1837. Fla militia attack a Maroon force under John Caesar at Hanson's Plantation near St Augustine. The Maroons are scattered with John Caesar being killed. 23 Jan 1837. One element of Jesup's command engages Seminoles near Lake Apopka. During the battle Mico Osuchee and several other warriors are killed 27 Jan 1837. Battle of Hatchee-Lustee Creek. A combined force of marines + Regulars under Col Henderson attacked and burned a large Seminole town. Both sides suffered a few casualties 8 Feb 1837. LAKE MONROE. Seminoles (600) under Phillip and Coacoochee launch a pre-dawn surprise attack on LtCol Fanning (200) with an armed steamer on the lake. The Americans with artillery support from the steamer repulse the attack. 9 Feb 1837. Americans under Col Foster attack and burn a Seminole camp on the Crystal river. 9 Sept 1837. Americans (100 Mtd Regs + 70 Fla Mtd Vols) under Gen. Hernandez surround and surprise in a dawn raid the camp of King Philip. Almost all Seminoles are captured. 10 Sept 1837. Gen Hernandez's command (100) surround a Yuchi Camp and capture the Yuchi Billy and his followers after only a brief fight. Oct 1837. Osecola, Coa Hadjo and seventy warriors are captured though under a flag of truce. 14 Dec 1837. Micanopy along with four other micos and about 75 warriors are captured by Gen Jesup while under a flag of truce. Dec 1837. During the early phase of Col Taylor's expedition he captured numerous Seminoles including Mico Jumper. 25 Dec 1837. Battle of LAKE OKEECHOBEE. Col Taylor's command (700 men) (1st US Inf Rgt + 4th US Inf Rgt + 6th US Inf Rgt + 220 Missouri Mounted Volunteers under Col Gentry + 30 Delaware/Shawnee Scouts) vs Seminoles (380-480 men) under Alligator (120), Arpeika (Sam Jones) (200+), Coacoochee (Wildcat) (80), and Halleck Tustennuggee (60). The Seminoles cleared firing zones and built prepared positions. After a bitter four+ hour battle , the USA finally captured the fortified camp. Both sides suffered heavy losses. 26 Dec 1837. In north Florida near Wacasassa River, Georgia Vol under Gen Nelson engage Seminoles war parties of Tallahassees, Hitchitees and Mikasukis. Jan 1838. The Powell force (sailors many of which were negroes (85) + Redlegs (70) + Vol Co (40) operating in the Everglades skirmish on several days with small Seminole scouting parties. 15 Jan 1838. Powell's force attack a Seminole camp and are repulsed withseveral casualties. 24 Jan 1838. BATTLE of LOCKAHATCHEE. Jesup's main command (Drgns + Tenn Vol + Redlegs + 6 pdr guns + Congreve rockets) stumble onto a Seminole hammock (250-300). The Seminoles retreat after the initial charge and establish a firing line behind a wide stream. After a delaying action the Seminoles retreat. 21 Mar 1838. Gen Jesup captures 151 warriors who are camped under a flag of truce. 22 Mar 1838. Battle of Pine Island. Lt Col Bankhead (4th Arty Rgt 6 Cos of Redlegs + sailors w/ 4pdr gun) attack a Seminole hammock which is surrounded on 3 sides by water. The gun is fired from a rowboat. The difficult terrain enables the Seminoles to easily withdraw. 24 Apr 1838. Col Harney force (50 dismtd 2nd Rgt dragoons + 50 3rd Arty Rgt Redlegs) divided into three detachments attack the Seminole camp of mico Sam Jones with No success. 29 Apr 1838. Seminoles ambush a USA infantry escort for a supply train causing some casualties 27 May 1838. Near the Georgia border of the Okefenokee swamp, Seminoles (20) skirmish Florida militia (40). No significant losses. Jun 1838. The Seminoles tribes of Tallahassees, Mikasukis and R.S. Creeks fight several skirmish actions with various USA patrols and ambush convoys. 4 Jun 1838. 2nd Dragoon patrol fight a lengthy skirmish with Seminoles near old Fort Dade. 17 Jun 1838. KANAPAHA PRAIRIE. USA command (Regulars + militia) locate and assault a major Seminole camp. The Seminole fight a rearguard action as the camp is evacuated. 18 June 1838. Seminoles ambush a US patrol along the Ochlocknee River. 26 July 1838. Patrols are ambushed with a few USA casualties 16 Aug 1838. Seminoles ambush a supply train along the eastern edge of the Okefenokee Swamp near Coletrain Georgia. 27 Dec 1838. Seminoles ambush a US patrol along the Econfina River. 11 Feb 1839. Seminoles ambush a US patrol along the New River Inlet. 20 Feb 1839 Florida militia ambush a Seminole (hunters ?) near Fort Lauderdale. 28 Feb 1839 Seminoles ambush a US patrol along the Miami River 3 May 1839. Seminoles ambush a US patrol near Ft Brooke. 2 soldiers KIA. 12 June 1839 Seminoles ambush a US patrol near Fort Cross. 23 July 1839, Seminoles(160) under Chakaika and Hospetarke attack and burn a trading post, killing most of the soldiers there. Colonel Harney (27 men) barely escaped. 29 Aug 1839. Fort Andrews (17) garrison repels a Seminole attck (40). ?? Aug 1839. Near Orange Lake a skirmish between a Seminole warband and an Army patrol. 9 Nov 1839. Florida militia suffer several casualties in a skirmish near Micanopy 25 Nov 1839. Seminoles ambush a Florida miltia patrol near St Augustine. 4 Feb 1840 . Seminoles capture12 wagons of a supply train near Gary's Ferry. 9 Feb 1840. The Florida Militia engages Seminoles in a skirmish at Fort Crabbe. 22 Feb 1840. Seminoles ambush a Patrol under Lt Whedan near Magnolia 28 Mar 1840. Seminoles (90) ambush foraging Patrols (16) from Ft King. 10 April 1840. US Marine and Sailor landing force lands at Cape Sable but are repulsed by a large force of Seminoles. 14 Apr 1840. Patrols from Ft King are ambushed with a few USA casualties 27 Apr 1840. Cpt Gabriel Rains deploys the first known American use of Anti-personnel mines during an operation near Fort King. 28 Apr 1840. A USA patrol (20) from Ft King lead by Cpt Rains is attacked by Seminoles (100). A furious battle develops with numerous casualties before the Seminoles withdraw. 19 May 1840, BATTLE OF BRIDGEWATER. A USA patrol (4) from Ft Wacahoota is ambushed and destroyed while patrolling the Micanopy road. A search party (18) from Ft Defiance using bloodhounds returns to the site and are in turn also destroyed.Seminoles (90). 16 July 1840. Seminoles attack Ft Russell on Orange Creek. 7 Aug 1840. Spanish Seminoles under Chakaika attack and burn the town of Indian Key. The seminoles use a captured cannon to attack ships still in the harbor. 13 Aug 1840. Patrols from Ft Wheelock are ambushed with a few USA casualties 30 Aug 1840. Patrols from Ft Defiance are ambushed near Micanopy with a few USA casualties 6 Sep 1840. Patrols from Ft Wacahoota are ambushed with a few USA casualties 10 Dec 1840 Army troops in Seminole dress under Colonel Harney locate and kill Chakaika 28 Dec 1840, BATTLE OF MARTIN'S POINT. The Seminoles attempt to cut the main road between Micanopy and Wacahoota. Serious hand to hand combat occurs during the ambush of an army supply train escort. ?? Jan 1841. The Seminoles attack Ft Walker located at the abandoned Kanapaha Praire site. 2 Mar 1841. BATTLE AT ORANGE CREEK. Seminoles attack elements of 2nd Inf Rgt. 4 Apr 1841. Patrols from Ft King are ambushed with a few USA casualties 12 Apr 1842. Patrols from Ft Defiance are ambushed with a few USA casualties 17 May 1842. 7th Rgt Patrols from Ft Wacahoota are ambushed with a few USA casualties. 19 April 1842, The US Army locates and attacks a very large Seminole hammock position between Palatlakaha swamp and Lake Ahapopka/ Apopka. The Seminoles under Halleck-Tustenuggee fought a furious battle which lasted over four hours but eventually retreated into swamp. THIRD SEMINOLE WAR 12 Jan, 1852. A peaceful Seminole village on Lake Tohopekaliga is attacked by militiamen under A. Jernigan. Some Seminoles are killed and property looted. (cause) 20 Dec 1855. Seminoles under Billy Bowlegs attack the bivouac of an Army surveyor party. 3 April 1856. U.S. Army and Florida militia attack Seminole town on Charley Apopka Creek near the Peace river. Some Seminoles are killed but American losses are unknown. 18 April 1856. U.S. Army attack Seminole town of Billy Bowlegs. Seminoles use typical bitter defensive fire before evading capture as the Americans enter the town. April-May 1856. Americans (Army and Florida militia) conduct a search and destroy campaign in the Everglades with poor results. 17 May 1856. Seminoles ambush a supply train between Forts Brooke and Fraser. Most of the drivers and escort troops are killed.. 16 June 1856, TILLIS FARM. The last major battle between the Seminoles and Florida militia forces (not Army) near Fort Meade. The militia suffered more losses but killed the Seminole mico Oscen. March-April 1857. Americans (Army and Florida militia) conduct a search and destroy campaign in the Big Cyprus Swamps with poor results. ??? May 1857. Seminoles ambush an American force at Palm Hammock near Pavilion Key. 26 July 1857. Army troops scouting by boat on the Kissimmee River caotures a Seminole town. 26 Nov 1857. A large Army expedition under Col Rogers attacks a major Seminole town located at Royal Palm Hammock in the Big Cypress Swamp. 27 Nov 1857. A scouting patrol from Col Roger's command is ambushed and destroyed. ??? Nov 1857. Elements of Col Roger's command (90 Army + some Florida militia scouts) attampt to attack a Seminole hammock camp (150+ men) but are repulsed. Back to Time Portal Passages Spring 2002 Table of Contents Back to Time Portal Passages List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2001 by Rudy Scott Nelson This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |