by Rudy Scott Nelson
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Acuera. Located in Florida at the source of the Ocklawaha River. Allies of the Utina. Ais. A Muskogee tribe located on the Indian River in Florida. Merged with the Calusa by 1700. Apalachee. A Muskogee nation located near Tallahassee, Florida. After being destroyed in 1704, captives were taken to SC where they later joined in the Yamasee Revolt. Independent tribes wandered to Georgia, then back to Florida and finally in 1764 they migrated tp Spanish controlled Louisiana. Calusa. Located in southwest Florida. Since their name was the local native term for "Choctaw", they could have been from that nation. They remained in Florida after the 1764 migration and soon merged with the Seminoles. Catawaba. Located along the Catawba River wich seperates NC and SC. Warriors painted their entire face black with only one eye painted in a white circle. They had 400 warriors in 1728, 120 in 1752, and only 60 in 1760. Chatot. A Choctaw faction located in Florida, west of the Apalachicola River. Migrated to Mobile in 1707 and then to Louisiana in 1764. Cheraw. Located on North Carolina's Saluda River. They merged with the Catawba by 1740. Chickamauga. A militant branch of the Tsalagi nation which moved to the Chattanooga area. They were anti-American Patriot and continued to raid the Patriots during the American Revolution and even afterwards even though most of the other Tsagali towns had signed peace treaties with the Patriots. Lead by Dragging Canoe during the war. Chickasaw. Dominated the area of Mississippi and western Alabama. They would often fight the Muscogee and Tsalagi from this region. Most of the data about them is listed in the Mississippi River Valley and Delta Section. Choctaw. Located in the southwestern border area of this region. They fought the Muscogee and Chickasaw. As with the Muscogee, pure blood towns (factions) tended to be rivals of mixed blood towns. Several civil wars split the nation with conflicts between various factions such as pro-French vs Pro BritishMore facts are located in the Mississippi River Valley & Delta Section. Chowanoc. An Algonquin nation located in northeastern North Carolina. By 1733, they had merged with the Tuscarora. Coree. An Algonquin tribe located along the south bank of the Neuse River. Joined the Tuscarora during the Tuscarora War and merged with them soon afterwards. Eno. Probably a Siouian nation located along the Eno River in SC/NC. Merged with the Catawba in the 1720s. Guacata. Located on the St Lucie River in Florida. Migrated to Cuba in 1764. Hitchiti. A branch of the Muskogee located initially in North Florida and southern Georgia/Alabama. Attacked numerous tribes as they migrated south. A confederation of like tongued tribes who supported each other during war time. Included the warlike Mikasuki, Oconee and Sawokli Machapunga. Located in Noth Carolina. Joined the Tuscarora during the Tuscarora War. Muscogee aka Muskogee or Creek. They were a confederation of 40-50 related towns located in Alabama, Georgia and upper Florida. They were divided into Upper and Lower Towns, as well as between towns dominated by mixed bloods or pure bloods. Often these two groups veiwed their neighbors and the Europeans differently. As a result their support would be divided during a conflict. During the period they absorbed Shawnee refugees among their towns which has made some researchers regard the Muskogee related to the Shawnee. The early 1800s migration of Muskogee tribes to Florida resulted in the eventual domination of the Seminoleculture. Nanticoke. A Lenape tribe living in Maryland. By 1753 they had migrated to the Ohio Valley. Pamlico. A pro-Tuscarora tribe during the Tuscarora War. Merged with the Tuscarora shortly after the war. Pawokti. An Alibamu tribe located in the Apalachicola area of Florida. Forced to migrate to central Alabama around 1708. Pensacola. A Choctaw tribe located in the panhandle area of Florida. Migrated and merged with other Choctaw tribes in 1764. Potano. Located in Alachua county, Florida. Very hostile toward any intruders into their territory. They were finally destroyed by the Utina and Spanish after 100 years of warfare. Saturiwa. A Muskogee nation and considered part of the Timuca. Located at the mouth of the St.John's River. Seminole. A branch of the Muscogee nation which split off and established a separate nation in the interior of Florida. The migration to Florida occurred in two main waves. The first wave spoke the Hitchiti dialect and faced early opposition in the interior portion of Florida. Later the Florida interior became virtually empty since many pro-Spanish nations had moved to Cuba after the 1763 acquisition of Florida by Britain. The second wave consisted of anti-American tribes leaving Alabama and Georgia after the Creek Wars of 1813 and 1832. These spoke the main Muskogee dialect and eventually absorbed, dominated the other Florida tribes. Shawnee. The main entry is in the Ohio Valley Section. The Ohio Valley tribes often fought the Tsalagi over hunting grounds. The Tsalagi permitted a Shawnee refugee tribe known as the Savannah, which had been displaced by the Iroquois, to settle in the Carolinas during the 1650-60s to act as a buffer with the Catawba. Also another tribe settled in the Cumberland Tennessee area to be a buffer against the Chickasaw. After being driven from the Carolinas around 1707-10, the Savannah as well as other Shawnee tribes from Kentucky settled among the Muscogee in Georgia and Alabama. The Savannah supported the Red Stick faction during the Creek War of 1813-14. Sissipahaw. Located in the South Carolina area. Fought the English during the Yamasee War and merged with the Catawba shortly after the war. Tacstacuru. Located on Florida's Cumberland Island. Merged with the Utina in 1655 Tawasa. A Muskogee tribe who was part of the Timuca Confederation. Origally located along the Flint River. The tribe migrated to the Mobile and Montgomery areas of Alabama in 1717. Tekesta. A tribe in the Miami area of Florida. Migrated to Cuba in 1764. Timuca (Aka Utina). The common name in Florida for Hitchiti speaking Muskogee related tribes and their confederation. Considered a Confederation of over 40 tribes located mainly east of the St. John's River. Included the following tribes which are not listed separately: Chilucan, Icafui, Chiaha, Ocale, Hostaqua, Mucono, Onatheaogua, Surruque and Pohoy. The Yui, Yuchi and Yustags were either Timuca or small tribes who merged with the Timuca. Tsalagi. (Cherokee) Located along the Appalachian Mountain chain. Towns were located in Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, northern Georgia and northern Alabama. The towns were divided into associated groups including the Lower, Middle, Over-the-Hill and later the Chickamauga. Tsalagi conflicts after 1820 are listed in the Section which covers the areas of Arkansas and Oklahoma. Tocobaga. Located in Florida's Tampa Bay area. Eventually merged with the Calusa or Timuca Tuscarora. Located in the Carolinas. An Iroquian nation that dominated many local tribes prior to English colonization. Bitter enemies of the Catawba. Fought English settlers in two wars. After being defeated in the second war, they were allowed to migrate to New York and settle among the Iroquois Confederation. Woccon. A Siouian nation who sided with the Tuscarora. Later merged with the Catawba. Yamasee. Located mainly South Carolia until driven out by the English. Many settled in Apalachee County, Florida during the 1690s. The Amacano, Caparaz and Chine tribes may have been related to the Yamasee. Back to Time Portal Passages Winter 2001 Table of Contents Back to Time Portal Passages List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2001 by Rudy Scott Nelson This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |