By Bill Boyle
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A little known battle, it is one of the battles the Swedes inscribed on their post war monument to the Thirty Years War. Considered to be one of the great triumphs of Swedish arms, although The Hessians and German allies was two thirds of the army.Victory insured the line of communications to the main armies fighting in Silesia to the east and South of the Main in the west. Tactically important, because the famed Swedish brigade was probably used for the last time on this field. Because of this firm base, against the remains of Pappenheims cohorts, Berhard could capture Regensberg and Wallensteins treachery against Thurn at Steinau ODO was without strategic significance. Dodo Kniphausen commanded the Swedes. Dodo was a sucessful entrepenure, able to raise good troops and make money, but in battle was less competant and the battlefield command was in the hands of George of Luneberg. William of Hesse was leading his Army and was a reliable offficer. Dodo was probably not with the main Armies partly because he had made a name for himself sucessfully defending towns against superior enemy filed forces both in Northern Germany and Poland. Possibly he also was not selected for higher command because he was bigoted against Scots. Merode commanded with Gronsfeld the Imperial forces in Westphalia. The old stomping grounds of the late Pappenheim, most of the men were old followers of him. Merode's mission was to harrass the enemy and cut off the Swedes from the Baltic, if possible. Merode, who is one of the men that the word Maurader is attributed to his name, had accomplished the harrassment mission and was retiring to safety when forced to fight. However, the odds looked good for an Imperial victory what proved to be a hard fought action. TERRAIN Weser river is crossible only at the bridge. The woods are heavy and only passible to musketeers and dragoons. The town can hold 500 men. (12 figures). Must dice d6 to leave once entered. A 33% chance of routing if asked to advance and a 50% chance of routing if in melee OB IMPERIALISTS HESSICHE OLDENDORF
8 Sparr Regular ARQUEBUSIERS
8 Jung Collorado Regular 8 St. Martin Militia 8 Gronsfeld Veteran CUIRASSIER
8 Boninghausen Regular 8 Wesphalia Militia 8 Merode Veteran 8 Gonzaga Veteran 8 Aldobrandini Regular 8 Bredow Militia FOOT
36 J. Aldringen Veteran 12p & 18m 36 Merode Veteran 12p & 18m 36 Mantuffel Militia 12p & 18m 36 Rittberg Ost Freisland Militia 12p & 18m 36 Westphalia Militia 12p & 18m 36 S. Alber(Werner Tilly) Elite 12p & 18m 1 Heavy gun and 2 light guns
8 St. Anders Regular German/Sweden 8 Jaegers Veteran Rifles? Hesse Cassel CUIRASSIER
8 Williams' Veteran Hesse Cassel 8 Kniphausen Veteran German/Sweden 8 Mitschfall Militia German/Sweden 8 George of BL Veteran Brunswick/Luneberg 8 Ernest King Regular Brunswick/Luneberg MEDIUM CAVALRY
8 Seekirch Militia Hesse Cassel 8 Eric Anderson Veteran Sweden 8 Yssler Militia Brunswick/Luneberg FOOT
60 Brunswick Brigade Miltia/ 24p & 24m+12cs Brunswick Luneberg Yssler & George Regular (Hanover) 36 Geyso Militia 12P & 18m Hesse Cassel Breakpoint = 9
Notes: Grimmelhausen might have served in St. Anders ' Regiment and Ernest King is the old Scot himself. At least at this battle he did not get a chance to 'hang back'. Back to Time Portal Passages Summer 2000 Table of Contents Back to Time Portal Passages List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2000 by Rudy Scott Nelson This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |