by Rudy Scott Nelson
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The Glory campaign system can be used with any tactical skirmish rules. Player flexibility is a key factor in obtaining the best results from the system. The players will need to modify the background information in order to adapt the situation to their desired Theatre of Operations. GENERAL A forward supply base has been established at Fort Talbot in the frontier region of Admar Province. Company C of the Fourteenth Regiment has been assigned to Fort Talbot for a one year tour of duty. Their Primary responsibility is to protect the supplies. Their secondary is to subdue dissident tribes located in the area. GARRISON FORCES Company C of the Fourteenth Regiment consists of one Captain, two Lieutenants, Two Senior NCOs, Nine Sergeants, ten Corporals and Seventy-six Privates. Attached elements include One Quartermaster NCO and three privates; 'a Medical Captain and two non-combatant. orderlies; An artillery gun (plaver's choice) with One Gunnery Sergeant and Three Privates; and Two Native Guides. GARRISON SUPPORT Due to stored supplies, there will not be a shortage of ammunition or other miscellaneous items. Food cannot be stockpiled because of spoillage. Food will not be a Problem unless the fort is besieged. A besieged garrison can hold out for six weeks before it has to surrender due to starvation. NATIVE FORCES The level of hostile activity will vary from month to month. A key hostile leader has been identified as Ramad, who has twenty devoted followers. The followers are rated as veterans and Two are Allied Chieftains, Five are Lieutenants and Thirteen are Local Leaders. Native forces will obtain supplies from the countryside. GARRISON ROSTER A roster is used to indentify personnel. It consists of the individual's name, rank, experience rating, current medical status and a meritorious service report. It will also provide an organizational breakdown of the garrison. NATIVE STRENGTH REPORT The Native Strength report must contain at least the following information.
2. A medical status will be recorded for the chief and his followers. A roll will be made on the Serious injury chart for serious wounds with one added to the die roll to show poor medical ability. 3. A summary of that month's strength level is recorded. The monthly strength account will vary according to the level of histile activity. Illness or other diversionary situations aire incorporated into the Activity and Presence Charts. Natives wounded or killed in combat are removed from the strength account. They will be "replaced" by the next month's Activity roll. 4. A record of notable actions by non-elite natives is maintained so that they can be promoted to follower status as a replacement. MEDICAL STATUS Each soldier will have a status selected from below:
(K)= Killed in action; died in the hospital; disabled (M) Missing in action; Captured ; Presumed Dead (HS/Date)= Hospitalized, with a serious injury or wound plus the date available for duty. (HW)= Hospitalized with Light Wound, available for garrison duty but not field duty. (HI)= Hospitalized with a Light Injury or illness.available for garrison duty but not field duty. Men with light wounds, chart-inflicted illnesses become available for field duty at the end of the current month. MERITORIOUS SERVICE RECORD A complete report on each action is recorded in the unit log or tribal record --even the events occuring in a battle where one side is eliminated are known to both sides due to the reports from "eyewitnesses". Promotions and medals or rewards are based on the battle reports. In the individual's roster column, a code for the battle report in which he is cited is listed as reference. AREA OF OPERATIONS A map is prepared by the players which divides the area into nine sectors. The sectors can be set-up as a map or in a point to point configuration. Each sector will be assigned the terrain maps for it. Each sector will consist of two to four maps. Their battleboard arrangements will be influenced by the mission, predetermined or determined randomly. Terrain maps for non-specific engagements can be determined by using the scenario generation system. GARRISON REQUIREMENTS Even when the company is given a field mission, detail must remain at the fort in order to protect the supplies. The details will consist of the medical and Quartermaster staff plus a company detail of ten men including at least a corporal. Fit for duty men can be replaced or garrison detailed by lightly wounded or injured men from the hospital. The artillerymen can be used as part of the detail. The detail, the Quartermaster staff and additional lightly injured men from the hospital can be used to defend the fort from attack. Certain results on the Garrison activity chart will adjust the basic garrison requirement. ROUTINE PATROLS Every week a patrol MUST be conducted through each of nine sectors. The patrol will not be sent into the sector that a mission is being conducted for that week. The patrol must contain at least five riflemen can contain up to ten men if a mission is not being conducted that week. patrol cannot contain artillerymen, medical or Quartermaster staff. The patrol will be mounted it it is a Cavalry unit and horses are available. officers will always be mounted if horses are available. If a mission is being conducted, then a patrol or the Fort may be attacked. DEPLETED GARRISON STRENGTH If the garrison strength becomes depleted, then it will be restricted in its abilities to conduct missions and Patrol. If the strength falls below sixty, then they will conduct patrols at reduced strength. The reduced patrol size will be the number of available men divided by five. The ) group will be the force available for escort and rescue only escort and rescue missions are allowed. If the garrison strength, including Lightly wounded/injured, falls below Thirty, then no patrols or missions can be conducted and, the Hostile Activity result will always be A. HOSTILE PRESENCE Each week the native player rolls once on the Hostile Presence Chart to determine how many of his available men are in the sector that the garrison mission is being conducted. It is rolled and recorded prior to mission roll being made. Native forces are flexible so any leaders can be sent with the force. The Presence roll can be made by using a d10 die with the result being multiplied by ten which will indicate the percentage of the force which will be available. MISSIONS Each mission includes the preparation, the execution, the return and the stand down. The duration of a mission is one week. Therefore, it is possible that fifty-two missions could be conducted during a tour of duty. However this would be rare since weather and garrison problems will prevent missions from occurring during some weeks. The weekly mission represents a specific operation to be conducted in addition to the normal garrison duties and patrols. A mission roll is made each week. If the garrison has a strength of less than sixty, then only the Rescue and Escort rolls are valid. other results are changed to read No Missions. if the garrison is below Thirty men, then all rolls are read as No Missions. Reference in the Mission Type Definitions to available garrison forces includes only those men eligible for field missions and does not include the garrison detail and the patrols in its count. The Mission Chart and Definitions are listed below. Roll Two six-sided dice for the Mission Chart
3= RAID 4-5= PURSUIT 6= TRAP 7-8= ESCORT 9= AMBUSH 10-11= RESCUE 12= SPECIAL ESCORT ASSAULT The main hostile base has been located and will be attacked by all available garrison troops. It will ne defended by all of the hostiles available for that month. A village map sheet must be used. AMBUSH A patrol has been ambushed and is pinned down at one end of the battleboard. The relief detachment will enter on the other end of the board. The sector patrol to be ambushed is determined by the native player. The terrain maps are connected by their short sides. ESCORT A six wagon convoy crossing the region must be escorted by the garrison. It can consist of anything from supplies/weapons to settlers. This can be determined by the garrison player or randomly. Random Convoy Type determination can be made by rolling a six-sided die and the result is recorded secretly by the garrison player. The cargoes are: 1-2= SETTLERS 3-4= BASIC SUPPLIES 5=DECOY 6= RIFLES OR MUSKETS. The garrison does not have to use the entire available force. The native player does not have to attack the convoy unless he wants to do so. Use two maps connected by their short sides. PURSUIT A hostile force has raided a government post or friendly villa( and a detachment has been sent catch the raiders. Use a village mapsheet. RAID A garrison detachment has been sent to suspected hostile camp located at a village or water source. RESCUE An unescorted convoy of three wagons (contents can be randomly determined) has been ambushed. The wagons and six to ten Lightly wounded survivors are placed at one end of the battleboard and the rescue force enters on the other end. SPECIAL ESCORT This is a high priority escort mission where the convoy contents are explosives and arms. The convoy can use an unusual type of transportation such as railroad cars or river barges with the garrison escort will also riding it. The native player must ambush the convoy. They will stop the convoy with logs across the river or tracks. If the convoy fails to move off the board, then the Native player gets 20 bonus victory points. The available TRAP Every patrol is secretly increased in strength by t garrison force. The Native player secretly divides his force as desired and assigns them to a sector. The Garrison Player selects which sector will be used to set up an ambush. The hostile force must traverse the board asif it were a garrison patrol. NO MISSION A no mission requirement mav result from weather conditions or a depleted garrison. If the weather is the determininq factor, then the native player can elect to ambush a Patrol but cannot attack the f`or1C_-. If a depleted garrison is the reason, then the native player can am'bush the patrols OR attack the fort OR besiege the fort. COMBAT DURATION The length of the combat segment of a mission can be agreed upon by the players or it can be based upon the mission guidelines section of the non-campaign Scenario Generation Chapter. CAMPAIGN TERMINATION Players,who desire to end the campaign prior to the completion of the tour of duty, can terminate it by rolling on the Termination Event Table. There are not any guidelines for when to use the table since the circumstances which influence a campaign will vary from group- to group. Roll a six-sided die determine the event.
2= The company is rotated out and the commander is relieved of duty. 3= The main hostile chief is assassinated and replaced by a pro- government faction. 4= Cholera epidemic eliminates the garrison and native population. 5= Last Battle: The fort is beseiged and a relief force is trying to reach it. Both sides should be equal in number. 6= A treaty is signed that establishes peace in the region. MULTI-PLAYER CAMPAIGINS The focus of the system is on a two layer campaign. However, it can be adapted to accommodate more players. One variant is to represent the entire frontier with a series of forts and hostile tribes. Some of the sectors may be the responsibility of more than one fort. Another option is to consider the area as being in territorial dispute with another Colonial power which may also contain more than one hostile tribe. The dispute variant is not recommended since it would require major changes and the creation of an extensive Encounter Chart. The most competitive and preferred variant is to increase the garrison size and include more than one hostile tribe. The tribes would also be hostile to each other. CALENDAR INFORMATION The company's tour of duty will begin in the month of March. This allows for the unit to be mobilized after Christmas leave then transported to and deployed in the region. The campaign location will be in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere.
CLIMATE-WEATHER Garrison operations were often affected by seasonal climate conditions of the region. Field operations in particular could be hindered by adverse weather conditions. A list of countries and their recommended climate conditions are listed below. This is just a set of guidelines since the climate of most countries will vary from area to area. DESERT areas include North Africa, parts of Persia and Egypt/Sudan. HARSH areas include Afghanistan, Northern India, Mexico, parts of American West an, regions bordering Desert areas. TROPICAL areas include the Sub-Sahara Africa, Caribbean Islands and the Upper areas of South America and other areas near the equator. TEMPERATE areas include South Africa, North America, China and Argentina. The Climate- Season index will produce the predominate weather fo that month. Snow and Rain results will require a weekly roll to determine i missions are practical for that week. The tactical effects from weather are covered in the rules being used. Weather conditions are: NORMAL (N) No effect on operations. CLOUDY (CL) This may result in showers or snow flurries. Roll each week and a roll of ODD will result in precipitation. Prior to the roll, the players will state if the precipitation is rain or snow. HOT (H) Tactical operations will be hindered. RAIN (R) Heavy rains, an ODD result on a weekly roll will prevent missions from occurring during that week SNOW (S) Heavy snow, an EVEN result on a weekly roll will prevent missions from occurring during that week.
VICTORY CONDITIONS If a winner is not evident, then the following victo~ point list can be used to determine 4 level of victory. Accumulated points should be recorded in the log each week. The term ELIM includes killed, died missing and disabled.
Total Victory Point Difference will determine the victor. If the difference ratio is less than 1.5 to l,then it is a stalemate. If the ratio is between 1.5 and 2 to 1, then it is a marginal victory. If the ratio is more than 2 to 1, then it is a decisive victory. GARRISON ACTIVITY
2= Two extra men must remain at the fort to provide more security 3=Three EM slightly ill due to disease are hospitalized 4= Four Green replacements arrive from HQ 5=Two EM are seriously injured and Three EM are Lightly injured in a construction accident. 6= one EM goes AWOL (owners choice) and is listed as missing SIGNIFICANT EVENT
2= Sabatoge incidents requires the Garrison Duty strength be doubled
2- 1 MONTH 3- 2 MONTHS 4- 3 MONTHS 5- 4 MONTHS 6- PATIENT DIES NOTE: Seriously wounded Non-follower natives are always, sent home. ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITY SUMMARY MONTHLY
SIGNIFICANT EVENT CHART TERMINATION EVENT CHART Back to Time Portal Passages March 1999 Table of Contents Back to Time Portal Passages List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by Rudy Scott Nelson This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |