by Rudy Scott Nelson
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Hesse-Casel Musketeer, Garrison and Fusilier Regiments each contained FOUR battalion companies. These included the Lieb, Erb Prinz Fusilier, Prinz Karl Musketeer, Trumbach Musketeer, Mirbach Musketeer, Donop Musketeer, Wutgenau Musketeer, Ditfurth Fusilier, Knyphausen Fusilier, Losberg Fusilier, Wissembach Garrison, Burnau Garrison, Huyn Garrison, and Stein Garrison regiments. Hesse-Casel Rall Grenadier contained four Grenadier companies and a special flank Grenadier company which was detached. Hesse-Casel Block Conv Gren contained companies from Prinz Karl, Wutginau, Donop and Trumbach. Hesse-Casel Minnegerode Converged Grenadier battalion contained companies from Erbprinz, Dittfurth, Lossberg and Knyphasuen. Hesse-Casel Linsingen Grenadier battalion contained TWO companies of the Hesse-Casel Grenadier Guard Regiment plus companies from Lieb and Mirbach. Hesse-Casel Kohler Grenadier battalion contains companies from Rall, Stein, Burnau and Wissenbach. Hesse-Casel Jager Detachments operated in small detachments as scouts Hesse-Casel Converged Woelworth consisted of the remnants of the Hessian regiments surprised at Trenton. This combined battalion lasted until the prisoner exchange and replacement arrived from Hesse later in 1777. At that time the original regiments were reformed. Hesse-Casel Artillery Detachments consisted of two guns with crew per regiment. Hesse-Hanau Lieb Grenadier Regiment assigned to the brigade containing the Prinz Fredrich Rgt from Brunswich. Hesse-Hanau Jager Detachments consisted of FOUR independent companies. They operated with the same command that the Hannau Lieb Rgt was assigned. Waldeck Musketeer Rgt Anhalt Zerbst Musketeer two battalions. One was assigned to Quebec and a second battalion organized and dressed as foot Pandours was sent to New York. The Brunswick Infantry regiments consisted of FOUR battalion companies plus a grenadier company detached to the grenadier battalion. They each also had a Light infantry company which was deployed BOTH with the parent regiment and attached to the Chasseur battalion. The Brunswick Infantry Regiments were Riedesel, Prinz Fredrick, Rhetz, and Specht Brunswick Barner Chasseur Battalion contained FOUR organic Light Infantry companies plus was often responsible for the Light companies detached from the Musketeer regiments AND various independent Jager detachments operating in the area. Brunswick Prinz Ludwig Dragoon Regiment fought dismounted. Brunswick Breymann Grenadier Battalion consisted of the FOUR Grenadier companies from the infantry regiments. Brunswick Artillery Detachments were deployed as two gun sections with Musketeer Rgts. Bruns Converged Ehenkrook was a converged unit formed from Saratoga remanents Anspach D'Eyl and De Voigt each contained 5 companies including a Grenadier which remained attached and a two gun artillery detachement. Back to Time Portal Passages Table of Contents Back to Time Portal Passages List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by Rudy Scott Nelson This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |