by James Blackwell
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The U.S. defense technology and industrial base
[1] is defined as the
aggregate ability to provide the manufacturing, production,
technology, research, development, and resources necessary to
produce the material for the common defense of the United States.
This definition captures the essence of the defense technology and
industrial base as it is, rather than as one might wish it to be. The
definition also presumes that there is a market mechanism at work
that results from the interaction of government policy, defense
budget demand, and corporate decisionmaking. This market
mechanism produces the U.S. defense technology and industrial
This definition of the defense technology and industrial
base presumes that any firm that provides-or potentially could
provide-goods for the national defense (whether it is commercially
owned and operated, whether it is completely or partially owned
and operated, or whether it is domestic or foreign based) is part of
the U.S. defense base.
As a matter of policy choice, what is observed in the
analysis of the defense technology and industrial base may not be
what is desired in regard to government control over critical
defense technologies and production capacity or the amount of
foreign intrusion into critical sectors. The definition itself, however,
does not presuppose any particular mix of type or source of
The defense technology and industrial base must
contribute to strategy in three fundamental ways: peacetime
efficiency, technological competitiveness, and crisis flexibility.
These form the criteria for assessing the health of the defense
technology and industrial base. These contributions are the
defense technology and industrial base and for recommended
policy solutions for the future.
First, U.S. strategy presumes that peace will be the normal
state of U.S. relations and that peace will be sustained by
demonstrated readiness and willingness to fight to protect national
interests. The primary vehicle that demonstrates this intent is the
set of programs administered by the Department of Defense that
man, equip, maintain, train, and operate U.S. forces around the
globe. The defense technology and industrial base must respond to
the demands of these programs with cost-effective, reliable, and
capable systems.
These demands shift over time both in the magnitude of
the demand, as expressed in the changing defense budget top line,
and in emphases of programs as expressed in the allocation of
resources to such defense functions as force structure,
manpower, readiness, procurement, and research and
development (R&D). The defense technology and industrial base
must provide the goods required by the defense budget in an
efficient manner.
Second, the defense technology and industrial base must
provide U.S. forces with technologically superior material.
Maintaining a technological advantage over potential adversaries,
particularly the former Soviet Union, has been an explicit part of
U.S. national security strategy since the end of World War II.
Because it would be prohibitive in cost and alien to the U.S.
democratic culture, the United States could not match the number
of Soviet deployed forces during the cold war. Recognizing the
danger to U.S. national security from the massive Soviet military
machine, the United States opted to respond to quantity with
quality. This required the United States to maintain a significant
margin of superiority over the Soviet Union in its ability to develop
high performance, high quality, and cost-effective products and
processes so that the United States did not have to match the
Soviets soldier-for-soldier or gun-for-gun. Unquestionably, it was in
the U.S. defense technology and industrial base that this lead was
developed and maintained.
Finally, because deterrence may not always preserve the
peace and because there is the risk that low-level threats may
bring the United States into conflict, the defense technology and
industrial base must retain some flexibility to convert from
peacetime R&D and production to expanded levels of production
and development required for anticipated forms of future conflict. If
post-World War II history is a guide, then the defense technology
and industrial base must be capable of short-term surge, long-term
expansion, and postwar recovery. The surge requirement was
demonstrated in the 1973 Arab-Israeli War when U.S. war reserve
stocks in tanks and antitank guided missiles, for example, in a very
short time were so severely depleted that weapons in the hands of
U.S. active forces were taken and given to the Israelis to prevent
the utter defeat of a valued U.S. ally. The Vietnam War required
U.S. industry to develop gradually a production capacity for many
combat items not stocked in sufficient quantity in peacetime, such
as small arms and artillery ammunition.
Achieving these three criteria is problematic because
efforts designed to achieve one goal may be counterproductive in
preserving another. For example, if the United States spends large
sums of defense budget dollars to build excess production capacity
for anticipated surge requirements, it would be building an inherent
economic inefficiency into the peacetime production of the military
goods. Unit costs for peacetime requirements would carry an
exorbitant premium to amortize the investment in the excess-but
idle-capacity set aside for anticipated surge production. Indeed, the
failure to recognize such fundamental trade-offs and to devote
adequate resources and analysis to these issues have led to
disarray in current defense technology and industrial base policy.
Depending on Technology
In the context of the strategic framework for understanding
the technology base, there may be an opportunity to maximize the
payoff from investments in resources for security by an emphasis
on technology. A resources strategy which can minimize the needs
for efficiency and flexibility can afford to make its major
investments in technological superiority. But a strategy whiich
pursues technological advancement as a principal end must
provide some kind of insurance against the future need for
efficiency and flexibility, and that insurance will certainly not be free;
it may not be cheap.
Efficiency. If the defense technology and
industry base is not efficient it will not generate political support for
any investment. We need not review the literature of the 1980s on
the inefficiencies in the U.S. defense acquisition system; it is
replete with documentation on the phenomenon.
The American taxpayers paid about a 25 percent
inefficiency premium on U.S. defense investment because of the
way business was done and, as a result, research, development
and procurement programs became favorite targets of political
opposition even when support for the defense spending top line
was widely favorable. The pursuit of military technology must be
perceived to be at least not wasteful in order to elicit broad support
in our political system.
Efficiency is of course valuable in its own right in support of
technological advancement since it can be defined as the greatest
value for the least cost. In the systems analysis world of the cold
war, efficiency took on a rather rigorous meaning. Ultimately, the
justification for an investment in a particular technology for a
weapons system was based on measures of effectiveness which
related capability to unit cost. The key to the precision of the
measurement was that capabilities could be defined in relation to a
specific threat-the military capabilities of the Soviet Union, or a
Soviet-equipped surrogate. Thus a fleet of 130-some B-2 bombers,
for example, was judged to be a cost-effective solution to the need
to penetrate Soviet airspace and deliver nuclear bombs to a
specific set of strategic targets in the USSR.
In the new strategic era, however, the old measures of
effectiveness evaporated with the dissolution of the USSR. While
we know that there is inherent value in the investment of billions of
dollars in the unique military technologies for stealthy, long-range,
manned, heavy-payload, precision-bombing aircraft, we cannot be
as precise as we once were as to how much capability we can
expect from those kinds of investments. Unit cost will no longer
suffice as the measure of effectiveness, neither politically, where
the costs of few-of-a-kind systems will likely be above the famous "Augustine
Curve,"' nor in systems analysis terms where the need will be for
measures of scientific advancement rather than battle
effectiveness against a definable enemy force. A challenge
presently facing the analytic community is to derive new measures
of effectiveness with which to judge efficiency for the new strategic
era in the absence of an overarching threat upon which to base
such calculations. We must begin to learn how to measure
capabilities purchased, rather than threats defeated.
Even with such scientific tools, however, there is no
escape from the fundamental historical experience in military
technology; it is not cheap. Alan S. Milward has observed:
Even the most ardent economic critics of warfare frequently
concede that in one respect war brings economic benefit in its
tendency to promote technological and scientific innovation... The
tendency of modern fighting is to become increasingly capital
intensive. One measurement of this is the amount of capital expended
on killing one enemy; this has been estimated as roughly ten times as
much in the Korean war as in the Second World war.
The dilemma facing strategists in the new era is that while
the requirements for investments in new technology will continue to
grow, the pool of capital from which those investments can be
made-the defense budget top-line-will decline for the foreseeable
future. As a result, the public policy consensus supporting such
investments will demand a demonstrated level of efficiency out of
the technology base, multiplying the need for new analytical
measures of efficiency.
Flexibility. The other criterion of the strategic
effectiveness of the base is the flexibility of the system to respond
to changing strategic needs. As U.S. national security strategy
comes to rely more on quasi-mobiIization concepts such as
"reconstitution," the ability of the base to return to military
development and production will be a new need in the system.
Market forces will neither preserve defense technological capability
for unique military applications, nor maintain production capabilities
for rapid, or even deliberate, surge requirements.
While some industrial specialists hope for greater
integration of commercial and defense technology and production
capacity [5] , a full measure of
skepticism is in order here based on the post-World War
IIexperience of defense firms which have tried to achieve
economies of scope by transferring their military expertise into
commercial applications. Most such attempts were unsuccessful.
In the cold war era the defense technology and industrial
base maintained an inherent level of flexibility because of the size
and scope of defense acquisition efforts. Separate investments in
surge production capacity were not needed when, for example, the
Army's tank fleet of over 7,000 vehicles was replaced on the order
of once every 20-25 years. Even if production in a given year was
below minimum economic levels, the unused capacity did not go
away because there was the prospect of future production. On the
technology side of the base, promising new applications could
generally find a programmatic champion without having to identify a
so-called "bill-payer" to take funding from.
In the new strategic era, not only will maintaining flexibility
require new investments to replace robust acquisition programs,
but it will require new bureaucratic approaches. The entire defense
program and budget process has become a negative-sum game.
New program initiatives must not only provide justification on the
merits of the military capability purchased, they must also convince
decisionmakers that other programs already slated for cuts should
be cut further or terminated. As new technologies are created, new
military flexibilities can be gained, especially if the innovations are in
process technology as well as product applications. But to the
extent that technology competes for declining budget resources,
flexibility may be sacrificed to technology development priorities. A
lack of flexibility becomes a calculated risk in pursuing a technology-
based strategy. That risk can be minimized by maximizing the
response time available to apply new resources to technology
development and production expansion, given necessary political
decision making under conditions of sufficient warning. The record
of the past in making such decisions and in obtaining
such warning time illustrates the kinds of policy choices that face
strategists today.
Prior to World War II, the manufacture of weapons
systems was limited primarily by the structure of the machine-tool
industries among the combatants. The United States and Germany
were the world's leaders in machine tools, but they followed
opposite technology strategies. German industry had been
manufacturing so-called "universal" machine tools during the
reconstruction of Germany heavy industry after World War I. Such
tools were able to be switched rapidly from commercial production
to military production because they had built-in adjustability
features. During the war, Germany therefore had no need to surge
production of new machine tools, as did the United States. Of
course such machines were more complicated and expensive than
with the special-tools approach followed by the United States, the
other machine tool giant of the 1930s and 1940s, again illustrating
the inherent trade-off between efficiency and flexibility.
During World War II, Germany did not increase its machine
tool capacity utilization; it mostly switched from one type of
production to another. But the United States--with Great Britain and
Japan following suit--had to go through a period of innovation and
expansion in the machine tool industries to develop new kinds of
tooling to make new weapons and to create new capacity for
manufacturing. [6] The
inherent size and potential strength of the underlying American
heavy industries provided the flexibility to shift into wartime
technology and production while German industry had purchased
that flexibility by investing in a more adaptable industrial structure.
Given the strategy adopted by the Roosevelt Administration
of steady expansion of military industrial capabilities beginning as
early as 1939, the American industrial approach proved to be quite
effective indeed. Acting on sufficient warning, the U.S. defense
industrial and technology base became the "arsenal of
democracy," producing 296,000 aircraft; 1,201 major naval
vessels; 64,546 landing craft; 86,333 tanks; and 41.585 billion
rounds of small arms ammunition between July 1, 1940 and JuIy
31, 1945. [7]
But this great feat was accomplished by government action
initiated well before the outbreak of the war. The process began with
the United States providing material to allies under various
assistance programs and ultimately required direct government
control over large segments of the economy. It included the outright
construction of 1,600 new defense plants and direct financing for
the expansion of many others.
It is highly unlikely that future regional contingencies of the
types anticipated by strategists today would engender a public
consensus for mobilization of the magnitude achieved for World
War II. Thus we will have to provide for industrial and technological
flexibility as a hedge against the risks that the base force will not be
able to handle the short-term situations we anticipate, or that we will
have insufficient warning time to act on the emergence of greater
threats, or that political leaders will equivocate or err in judging the
nature of future threats. These risks will require investments in
some near and mid-term flexibility as an insurance policy beyond
the need to invest in the flexibility needed to secure industrial and
technological capability to reconstitute the base to meet the
unforeseen global threat we expect to have 5 years or more to plan
for. Again, investments in flexibility will compete with investments in
technology in the defense draw-down. So the first element of risk
inherent in a strategy that depends on technology is that the
application of resources guided by that strategy, an inherently
imprecise process compared to the systems analysis approach of
the cold war era, may result in insufficient investment in the two
other dimensions of industrial and technological capability, namely
efficiency and flexibility. There is a second element of risk at work
as well. The technological superiority approach may be wrong.
More Prospects and Risks of Technological Dependence