Patrol 2001 in
Southern Germany and Austria

October 8, 9, and 10

By Harry Cooper
Photos by Russ Wittemberg

8 October (Monday) This is a lazy day and the morning was our own to do what we wanted. By noon we were on the road again and stopped at the home of KARL and Anne WALDECK.

top left: Hotel zum Türken room.
Top: right: Hotel zum Türken
Bottom left: Mayor [right] and Worde.
Bottom right: Anne in her parlor

We were all guests there for refreshments in their garden. We enjoyed the traditional black bread with salt, and ‘Korn’. For those who have never drank ‘Korn’ it is pretty much the same as the white lightning brewed in some American states, back in the hills. This was great stuff……..but many of us mixed it with honey.

Then we went to the Rathaus, an interesting name for City Hall, where our group was received (photo) by the Mayor of this town. We had more refreshments and this time, it included champagne. This is the home town of the man who wrote ‘Silent Night, Holy Night’ and he is buried nearby.

We were back on the bus, headed for the Obersalzberg and checked in to our rooms at the Hotel zum Türken (photo above), owned by our friend INGRID SCHARFENBERG (3308-A/LIFE-1993) and this hotel was the living quarters for Hitler’s personal guard when he was on the mountain. In our rooms, we drank in the history of the place. Who had this room? What was his rank? His duties? Then we were off to town for dinner in a beautiful little café where we had the upper floor to ourselves.

9 October (Tuesday) Up to the Eagle’s Nest, the little restaurant built for Hitler’s birthday under orders of Martin Bormann. As you see in this photo at right (and the others on our website) the view here is just breathtaking!

After lunch, we were in the state capitol of Salzburg where we were the guests of the Governor’s office. The entire staff welcomed us (photo). The reception was in the 800 year old former palace which is now the state office building. This was the home to such great composers as Mozart and Hayden.

Then we toured Salzburg on foot, and had a very special tour of the famed castle there. Our friends from the Marine Kameradschaft there had all the ‘Eingang verboten’ doors opened for us and as you know, ‘Eingang verboten’ means ‘SHARKHUNTERS are welcome here’.

Back on the Obersalzberg, and many of us went to dinner in the same little restaurant.

10 October (Wednesday) We were awake early and some were in the former SS day room watching television, keeping up on the ongoing war events in the Middle East. Some sixty years ago, others were in this very day room, also keeping up on a new that would become the defining moment of the 20th Century.

INGRID gave a special tour of her personal archive, and it is filled with history and memories of those who were in this hotel and on the Obersalzberg in the 1930’s and 1940’s. It was truly impressive!

We said goodbye to our friends on the Obersalzberg and our bus took us back north through the Austrian and Bavarian Tyrol and ultimately back to Kiedrich and our hotel of the first night. This was to be our last night in Germany, and our friend HORST von HORSTIG (3767-1994) joined us for our Farewell Dinner. He was I.W.O. on U-595, and he signed autographs and had his photo taken with most of our group. Everyone was saying goodbye to old friends and new alike, then to bed in anticipation for an early start to the next morning.

Our 2001 ‘Patrol in South Germany and Austria’ is finished.

2002 ‘Patrol in So. Germany & Austria’

As you have read, our group had a fantastic time in these beautiful countries, on our 2001 ‘Patrol in southern Germany & Austria’. We met veterans of the war we otherwise never could have met; went places not open to anyone else, saw things & had experiences that will last a lifetime on our film, in our minds, in forever in our hearts. Wouldn’t it have been great if you had been with us?

Well, you can be with us - we are going again! Look at the flier enclosed for full details. Save up your vacation days, but some film and videotape - but make your reservation now to make sure you have a spot on this great ‘Patrol’.

What did they think of the ‘Patrol’?

This was the first SHARKHUNTERS ‘Patrol’ that DAVID STALTER (5733-LIFE-1999) ever took, and he wrote this:
“I had a fantastic time! I best liked the boat tour on the Rhine; the Nürnberg tour conducted by MICHAEL KAISER (6166-LIFE-2000) and the fellow SHARKHUNTERS on the trip. My best memory is being with a great group of people in a beautiful country.”

Here is what Dr. RENEE von WÖRDE (887-1988) wrote:
“Everything was so wonderful, but I think the lovely people we met and learned to know in Germany and Austria will remain in my memory always. I really did love this trip, especially getting to meet the old veterans and participating in activities as a SHARKHUNTER. I would recommend this tour to anyone interested in military history.”

Great Memories!

Dr. RENEE von WÖRDE (887-1988) was on our ‘Patrol in So. Germany & Austria and in a recent e-mail, she writes:
“I was just looking at that fabulous SHARKHUNTERS web page again this evening, and was reliving that wonderful time!”

There are more photos, including some of the bunkers, but those are on the website at Check it out.

Patrol 2001 in Southern Germany and Austria

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© Copyright 2001 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles articles are available at
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