
Report: Summary of Statements
from M/S Gertrude Survivors

by Harry Cooper

Subject: Summary of Statements by Survivors of the M/S GERTRUDE, American fishing vessel, 16 G.T., owned and operated by the Crosland Fishing Company, Miami, Florida.

1. The GERTRUDE was sunk, with warning at 0500 EWT, July 16, 1942 approximately 30 miles NE of Havana, while enroute from Miami, Florida to Havana, Cuba, with a cargo of 40,000 pounds of onions.

2. She was on course SSW, speed 6 knots, not zigzagging, blacked out, not equipped with a radio, two lookouts in the wheelhouse. The weather was clear, sea choppy, east wind, force 13 to 15 knots, no ships in sight.

3. At 0400 EWT, July 16, the GERTRUDE was hailed in English by a submarine with a cry 'abandon ship'. This was immediately complied with. At 0500 EWT, an explosion was heard, presumably the vessel being destroyed by a time bomb or one shell from submarine's deck gun. (Master believes it was a time bomb). At daybreak no sign of the ship or wreckage could be seen. Vessel was unarmed, no confidential codes on board.

4. The crew of three abandoned the vessel in a 14-foot motor life boat. The motor consumed all the gas and the survivors drifted around for 78 hours until they were sighted by a Civilian Air Patrol plane at 0745 EWT, July 19, about 3 miles south of Alligator Light, where a boat out of Whale Harbor rescued them and brought them ashore.

5. The abandon ship order was in perfect English and was so loud and clear that it was presumed that a loud speaker system of some kind was used. The voice was from the port side and a dim outline of a submarine could be seen about 400 to 500 feet on portside. No details are available of the sub, as it was too dark.

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