The Intelligence Page

Don Angel Alcazar de Velasco

Part 16:
Home to Madrid

by Don Angel Alcazar de Velasco

Bormann ladled my coffee out from a large bowl on the table and as he did so, he remarked “I have been keeping track of you ever since we parted, Angel. I have seen plenty of reports about your good work for us, plus a few reports which you have made out yourself. I wanted to tell you personally how pleased I am with the work you have done for the Party.”

I sipped my coffee, thanked him, and went on “I myself have thought often about you and of the trip we made together.”

Bormann insisted then that I should go downstairs and wash the dust from my body and rest before joining him at dinner. As I left the room, I nodded curtly to the other men at the table, each of whom had a pile of papers in front of him, as if each had been given an agenda for an important board meeting.

I went downstairs and was shown to a room where I lay down on a single bed and slept for about an hour. I was woken and invited upstairs again, where Bormann and his friends were preparing to dine. A place for me had been laid on the rough wooden table on Bormann’s right-hand side. During dinner, thick soup eaten from heavy earthenware bowls, Bormann talked earnestly to me, questioning with great enthusiasm. He wanted to know everything I had learned about Central and South America in the years I had lived there since last we met.

Further, he wanted to know who I knew in South American politics and what the situation was, as I saw it, with the organization of underground Nazi agents in the continent. He listened intently while I outlined the social, political and economic affairs of those agents I knew personally. Then he pressed me for my views about certain Latin states and their ripeness for revolutionary take-over. On this subject, the other men began interjecting with their own questions; about armaments, finance and the structure of various governments until at the end of an hour, I felt like a well-squeezed lemon.

I did not mention that I had recently been to Europe and they did not mention that part of the world.

Bormann did not tell me too much about himself and his life in South America, but I gathered that he had been well employed and dug his fingers into many different political pies. But he did mention that he had been successful in setting up a number of youth movements along the same lines as the old Hitler Youth; those children who had proved their worth in the battle-scared streets of Berlin in 1945.

But there was one thing above all, that I wanted to tell Bormann; and one question above all, that I wanted to ask.

First, I informed Bormann that I had decided to end my work for the Nazi cause and return to Madrid and my family. He did not seem surprised, but asked me to think again.

“This is not the time to think about leaving us,” he said fiercely. “After all we have fought for over the years, now we can see the chance of realizing our ambitions. Our party is now the strongest in South America and the revival of Nazi Germany is only a matter of a short time, a few years at the most. It has taken longer than planned I know, but soon we shall be in a position to put Germany back on the road to triumphs such as the Führer dreamed of in 1939.”

He paused after this speech. “It seems silly for you to leave us,” he concluded, “when everything you have been working for is about to take on some meaning.”

But I would not be persuaded. “I am glad that things are turning your way, Martin” I answered. “but I have lost much of my energies. I do not feel up to taking on further work. In a word, I am tired.”

Bormann accepted my decision without further comment and changed the subject. I waited for my opportunity during the meal before asking my million-dollar question. “What of the Führer?”

The question brought dead silence from all around the table. Bormann answered slowly. “I don’t follow. What about him?”

“Is he still waiting?” I asked.

“I planned to bring the Führer back into Germany at the correct psychological moment.” said Bormann. “That plan has now been abandoned.”

“Does that mean Adolf Hitler is now dead?” I asked.

Bormann shrugged. He refused to answer me, but turned the subject quickly and pointedly. Bormann’s last question during that strange meal was to ask me an out of character inquiry for this once publicity-hating man. He wished to know if people in Europe still talked about him.

“The people, yes. They are still talking about you. But you are rarely named in the press these days.” I told him.

“That is good; that is good.” came his reply.

I left Bormann the next morning. We parted solemnly, both expressing the wish and hope that we would meet again some time, some place and in more happy circumstances. The last words he ever spoke to me were these.

“I promised you once that I would return to Germany and that is still my promise. The destiny of the Fatherland lies with the National Socialist Party and its Führer. Heil Hitler!”

I clambered onto my mule and without looking back on the group of men standing near the farmhouse at the foot of the Andes, I returned to Cuenta. As soon as I could arrange a booking, I returned at the first opportunity to my home in Madrid. I had finished serving my Nazi masters. I had given them two decades of my life; two decades in which I had risked my life and made myself prematurely old with worry.

I do not work for them now, but thousands of others are helping to keep the Nazi cause alive and I am sure of that. However hard the democratic powers try to delay it, the re-emergence of the Nazi creed in Europe is bound to occur.

I know. I have seen the men who are working for that end. They have power. They have influence. They have the financial determination to put Germany back on top of the heap. They also have Martin Bormann. While men like him live, Nazism will never die.”

This is the end of the letter from DON ANGEL and please remember, this was a personal letter from a Member and we ran it here because of its apparent historical value and for no other reason. Beginning in KTB #126 next month, we will be running a great deal of documentation - you will be shocked and surprised.

More Don Angel Alcazar de Velasco


This story began in KTB #110 and is quite an eye-opener, but this is only the tip of the iceberg! The first part of this incredible story is the very long letter sent to us some years ago by DON ANGEL ALCAZAR de VELASCO (158-+-1985), Chief of the Spanish spy ring working for the Hitler Government during World War II.

Was he really a spy working for the Hitler Government? Yes, we confirmed this with CAPT BOB THEW (333-+-1987) when BOB was in our HQ some years ago. He said that DON ANGEL was not a very good agent, but he certainly was one. And from the other side, PETER HANSEN (251-LIFE-1987) also confirmed DON ANGEL was an agent for Germany but not a very good one. Is everything in the letter from DON ANGEL true? Judge that for yourself - but wait until all the data has been presented.

Please remember that we ask you to keep these facts in mind while reading this incredible story by DON ANGEL.

    1) DON ANGEL was an ardent NAZI throughout the War and up to the time of his death. This is obvious from time to time in the text of this letter, so don’t let it bother you.
    2) Spies and agents usually tend to embellish their feats and DON ANGEL was no different, so we must ‘add a grain of salt’ to some of these revelations.
    3) There are twists and turns in this long letter; some HARD facts in our files we’ll print after this letter. DO NOT FORM AN OPINION until you have read all the amazing facts you’ll see here on our INTELLIGENCE PAGE.

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